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The Old Sony Megathread


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Matz, you are going to fall in love so hard with ME2. Such a brilliant game.

Also having gotten to see the Vita first-hand in my new store this week, I've got to say... do want. It looks awesome. I may even spring for the 3G version if I have the money to in a few months, because pay-as-you-use-it 3G sounds like a pretty fine deal to me, AT&T or not.

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Did Sony ever officially announce this as an official thing on the Vita? I've been begging for this for ages on all my PS3 games.

This has been rumored for a while though hasn't it? Still doesn't solve the problem of sharing a console with someone but we'll give them a few more years to solve that dilemma.

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Will the Vita still be able to play PSOne Classics? That's a pretty big thing for me. I mean, I wouldn't mind one, but the main thing I like my PSP for it playing FFVII and VIII on the move. I'd be kinda bummed out if that wasn't an option.

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Will the Vita still be able to play PSOne Classics? That's a pretty big thing for me. I mean, I wouldn't mind one, but the main thing I like my PSP for it playing FFVII and VIII on the move. I'd be kinda bummed out if that wasn't an option.

Yes, and it works with saving to the cloud so theoretically you could be playing the game on your PS3, save it to the cloud, and pick up where you left off on the road with the Vita.

... I want one is what I'm saying here, basically :shifty:

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Vita apparently is doing very bad in japan.


Kinda harsh to do that before you see how it dos in the international marked, but still you could bring up the argument of "how long will people even need handheld gameing devices" wen cellphones are getting more powerfull each year while a console is suposed to last half a decade.

I have no idea how good the 3ds is doing, but you might just see a price drop coming for vita sooner rather than later if sony actually is loosing important developers.

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3ds over here doesn't SEEM to be doing that amazingly. Most DS people I see playing on the subway or whatever are still on the DSi, as are most of the kids at work.

As for the Vita, I REALLY REALLY would buy one here but I'm 95% certain that they're region locked. I need to do more research but I'm almost sure they are. Shame as they're cheaper here and even cheaper when you work in the cost of living.

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