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The Old Sony Megathread


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Yeah it's fucking awesome. I found a collectible poster that references his wrestling match from the first Tobey film. He wrestled Randy Savage for the prize. This poster says he wrestled (Crusher) Hogan!

Yeah it's living up to my expectations so far. The combat can be dicey sometimes to notice the spidey sense but it's still good. Is it wrong I just want to use the classic suit all the time though?

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And I am not at all running into the issue of those collectibles/tasks being repetitive at all. Research Centers for instance all have unique tasks to do - even those that seem similar are differentiated in one way or another (swinging high versus swinging low, for instance) - so I don't get that criticism in the least bit.

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I'm really enjoying it so far after getting it a day late (and wasting a day off!)!

I pre-ordered mine from Amazon but doesn't seem like it came with a code or anything in the box, any help?

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Checked and it was in his emails.

I played it for a chunk first and enjoyed the swinging but felt it was sort of lacking a fluidity and seemed a little slow. But after taking a break and playing again a few hours later, I didn't realise that during the course of play, the speed, fluidity and reach all increased. That break served me well to notice that.

As for the story, I've just completed the mission where Miles Morales is formally introduced, and I'm enjoying it so far. It FEELS like a Marvel Universe Spiderman movie, but in game form.

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Damn it. I fucking LOVE Spider-Man but haven't liked a game since the PS2 movie one so I wasn't interested in this. After reading this thread I'm gonna have to get it when I get paid.

Is the deluxe version worth it or should I just get the standard copy?

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I'm really enjoying Spider-Man too, I'm another who has spent more time swinging and exploring than doing the actual story missions. I love how they've included proper Marvel landmarks as well as the real-life ones, just wish I could go inside the Sanctum Santorum.

And my biggest squeal moment so far...


A proper Stan Lee cameo!


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