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The Old Sony Megathread


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Racking my brains, I think this might be the first time an Activision-published game has been part of the Instant Game Collection. It wouldn't surprise my if, at some point, Destiny 2 became free-to-play, with the expansions continuing to be behind a paywall. The base game typically goes for less than £10 anyway, and this is clearly a move to attract some new players for the upcoming DLC.

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Locked out in the sense of "everyone else is doing events that require the expansions" and stuff along those lines. You'd be fine up until the end of the original game's story, but past that they're pretty synonymous of pretty much requiring you to be on the most recent release in order to play with the major population.

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Is Destiny 2 more or less of a single player experience than the first one? I put a lot of hours into the first game even though I rarely ever played with anyone. I only did when I absolutely had to, and just got myself randomly assigned teammates for those missions.

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You'll do fine playing through the story missions - it might force you into strikes once or two in order to do things - but you can finish the base story just fine. The game is still going to tell you to do the strikes (with at least 2 others) and raids, etc - as missions that won't go away until you do them though.

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My PS Plus is expiring in about a week, and I've noticed that currently on the store you can buy a 12 month subscription to PS Plus, and then get 3 (?) months of Netflix free.

Just wondering what would happen if I bought this now, would the new subscription to PS Plus run from when my current one ends, or would the new one replace the current one, starting today?

And how would I get the 3 months of Netflix free, when I already have a Netflix subscription?

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2 minutes ago, New Damage said:

My PS Plus is expiring in about a week, and I've noticed that currently on the store you can buy a 12 month subscription to PS Plus, and then get 3 (?) months of Netflix free.

Just wondering what would happen if I bought this now, would the new subscription to PS Plus run from when my current one ends, or would the new one replace the current one, starting today?

And how would I get the 3 months of Netflix free, when I already have a Netflix subscription?

Playstation Plus subscriptions stack, so it would run from the end of your current one. As for Netflix, I'd guess that you'd enter the voucher code and they wouldn't charge you for the next three months.

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So I surprised myself by opting to get Dragon Quest XI instead of Spider-Man.  After reading the reviews, I was having flashbacks to Spider-Man 2's reptitiveness (Ya'll remember the Ultimate Spider-Man game?  It was better!) and about some of the post launch DLC plans made me start to see it as a wait for GOTY/Ultimate edition situation.

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39 minutes ago, Maxx said:

So I surprised myself by opting to get Dragon Quest XI instead of Spider-Man.  After reading the reviews, I was having flashbacks to Spider-Man 2's reptitiveness (Ya'll remember the Ultimate Spider-Man game?  It was better!) and about some of the post launch DLC plans made me start to see it as a wait for GOTY/Ultimate edition situation.

How is DQ?

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Alright, so... Spider-Man first impressions.

  • I know you've probably read that web slinging is great in this, but I can't even begin to explain how good it actually is. You remember how the games where it was great in the past really made you feel it when you were in the zone? That's still here, but it has the added benefit of making even fuckups look like you know what you are doing. Try to turn a corner and didn't quite make it? Spiderman games in the past I remember you'd end up smacking into a wall and dangling there or just attaching. Keep committing to what you were trying to do and Spider-Man will wallrun, reach the edge of the building you plowed into and then shoot out a web and keep swinging in the direction you were going. I love it. Little things like that just make it so fluid.
  • The fight system is out of this world. I know it's going to be compared to Batman because well, Arkham games were the codifier for this kind of stuff - but it really nails it. Batman games would always reward precision and if you want to play with the combat challenge up, you'll actually just pretty much need it here. Batman you could get away with button mashing and getting excited but in the early stages at least here, it can cause the end for you. I've seen some of the combat powerups later in the game and didn't know if I'd need them. Now I'm looking forward to them.
  • Finally I want to talk about the crimes in progress, etc stuff. That was the one thing that had me thinking about it whether I was going to get it now or not - but now that I've experienced it - I'm fine with it. Getting tangible things like tokens to upgrade gear and XP is the base layer of making it feel useful, adding on needing to click a button to scan for it is another and then not punishing you if you don't do it (I'm looking at you Amazing Spiderman) is totally good by me. Going back to the Batman games - having a way to find enemies for sure if you want to/need to get into a fight for XP or whatever other reason is a good tool to have.
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I've got the very end of God of War to do tomorrow and then I'm gonna get started on Spiderman. I'm so hyped for it, Spiderman 2 on PS2 is one of my favourite games, just swinging around New York was so much fun. If they've nailed it like you say, I'll love it.

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I think I might pick up Spider-Man when it goes on sale. Too much coming out soon! (Likely getting DQ11 for my birthday, Valkyria Chronicles 4 at the end of the month, RDR and AC next...plus likely getting Two Point Hospital)

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