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The Old Sony Megathread


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In other words, like practically every other survival horror game with the exception of Walking Dead and Eternal Darkness (and even then both have their share of jump scares).

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I agree that there arrent many good ones... just saing that all the crying about RE not being horror enough anymore is silly.

You still miss a bunch of good Games. Silent Hill untill "The Room" is a great option for PS. Or games like Slender or Alan Wake?

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I agree that there arrent many good ones... just saing that all the crying about RE not being horror enough anymore is silly.

You still miss a bunch of good Games. Silent Hill untill "The Room" is a great option for PS. Or games like Slender or Alan Wake?

I don't think my computer can handle Slender and Alan Wake is 360.

And yeah, I get you.

Oh! Obscure: The Aftermath was pretty good with it's story too but also suffered from jump syndrome. Had some geniunely creepy atmospheres though.

Also, there's a PS2 one called Kuon with minimal jumps but it's really short despite having "three" paths (two of which are about as different as the paths in the Matrix game for the Gamecube, the third is an epilogue/boss fight). Not bad for a game that you can get for like a buck now.

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I remember renting the first one and loving the concept, but the controls frustrated me. I grabbed Blood Curse on PSN and I'm totally stuck because holy fuck this game is hard.

OH! That reminds me, I never completed Atlus' attempt at Survival Horror, Rule of Rose. It was... well, how do I put this. The creepiest fucking thing ever. I just kind of forgot about it after buying the PS3.

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Been playing Resistance: Burning Skies after it came through on rental from lovefilm.

It's a fun game, but definitely a watered down version. Some of the voice acting is atrocious too. :D

That said, it doesn't seem like an especially long game, so it shouldn't take me too long to get it finished.

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I was so pissed after my AC3 mishaps but I played Ratchet and Clank for an hour and feel so much better now. Bless these Sony collections. I am a platforming girl at heart. Got:

Ratchet and Clank Collection

Journey Collectors Edition

Jak and Daxter Collection

God of War Collection

Sadly they didn't have Sly Cooper but I am going to try and get it for $10 on Black Friday at Walmart. Loving me some PS3 right now :D

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So I just got WWE13, and I figure cool, I'll pop this shit in and play. Not so much, I'm on my third different update/installation and my god do I miss the days of just playing a fucking game without having to go through a half hour of installing things before playing.

Edit - And now a system update that requires two different updates???

Edited by VerbalPuke
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Just finished level 3 of Resistance: Burning Skies - so glad I gave this game a try.

Once again, my only gripe is the voice acting, but there isn't a whole lot of cut scenes anyway, so it isn't much of a problem.

The touch screen controls for things like grenades/axe wielding are a huge help, and something which makes the experience different from that of the PS3 version.

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Ugh, so I've completed Resistance, and have every trophy apart from the "play a round of multiplayer" gold one, which would also unlock the platinum. It's a shame I only have it on rental, because as much as I like trophies, £8 is too much for a network pass. I'd actually consider buying it if there was more to the last trophy than just playing one round. :/

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