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Eh, I'm still betting on Robin and Barney. I know it's a bit cliche for them all to be paired off, but they couldn't make it any clearer that Barney still wants her. Though I wouldn't be surprised if that Nora woman ends up being Barneys lady. I liked her, so I'd be cool with that too.

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Guest mr. potato head

Neat theories but not at all suited for this particular show.

Has it ever been outright stated that Ted will meet the mother at the wedding, or just that they'll both be there?

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In the earlier seasons, I had an inkling that while Robin would not be the mother, her and Ted would end up together and that Ted's kids would be from a different relationship. The Barney/Robin stuff has made me re-think that idea, though.

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I think it was stated that he will meet the mother at the wedding. The time where they were both there but didn't meet was at the St. Patrick's Day party. That night brought talk to some people that the girl he bumped into was the mother, but all in all, I just see her as a red herring.

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I think if nothing else we can all agree that we won't actually meet the mother this season. Best we'll probably get is a shot from behind before the screen blanks out in the final episode. Though I don't know why, because the second they cast an even remotely 'big' name, it'll become fairly apparent that she's the mother. I don't understand how people can think it'll be a returning character, because surely the end of the story would have been when Ted met her the first time?

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I don't believe that's the case. I can see them develop the character a bit more after that, considering that they were renewed for at least 2 more seasons and putting off the reveal would get to be a bit much.

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Man, shitty day to be a bubble show on Fox. The Chicago Code? Gone. Human Target? Gone. Lie To Me? Gone. Traffic Light and Breaking In? Gone.

Not gone, though, is House. So that's a thing for some of y'all, I guess.

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Chicago Code was solid but I got bored with it. Mostly because I couldn't stand the lead at all, just felt like watching a hodgepodge of Tough Cop Who's Right About Everything cliches.

Mostly I just feel bad for Shawn Ryan. First Terriers, now this.

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He also worked as show runner on Lie To Me for a single season, so in theory he had three shows cancelled in the last 9 months.

And I will miss Human Target and Code. The rest I am not bothered by. But the good news is I doubt I even bother finishing the rest of the Code episodes I have on DVR yet to watch.

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The one fall show I was REALLY looking forward to, Locke And Key, and Fox officially passed on it. Sheesh. But....

Locke & Key, a supernatural thriller produced by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (Star Trek, Fringe), had generated plenty of buzz — the pilot was described as “beautiful” and “magical” — but there were indications in the past couple of weeks that Fox had cooled on the project. All is not lost, though: The Hollywood Reporter indicates the pilot, which starred Miranda Otto, Jesse McCartney, Nick Stahl and Sarah Bolger, could be shopped to another network.
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The one fall show I was REALLY looking forward to, Locke And Key, and Fox officially passed on it. Sheesh. But....

Locke & Key, a supernatural thriller produced by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (Star Trek, Fringe), had generated plenty of buzz — the pilot was described as “beautiful” and “magical” — but there were indications in the past couple of weeks that Fox had cooled on the project. All is not lost, though: The Hollywood Reporter indicates the pilot, which starred Miranda Otto, Jesse McCartney, Nick Stahl and Sarah Bolger, could be shopped to another network.

Nick Stahl is still acting? You learn something new every day...

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Locke & Key... as in the Joe Hill books? If Fox passed on a show based on that, they're dumber than I thought they were. And considering they axed Human Target, Lie to Me and Chicago Code, I already thought they were pretty fucking dumb.

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Locke & Key... as in the Joe Hill books? If Fox passed on a show based on that, they're dumber than I thought they were. And considering they axed Human Target, Lie to Me and Chicago Code, I already thought they were pretty fucking dumb.


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When I read the first Locke & Key book, my immediate thought was "this should be a movie." It's smart, spooky and original... which I suppose is why it doesn't fit in on FOX. Hopefully AMC or someone will pick it up, would make a great complement to The Walking Dead.

And I REALLY hope TNT picks up Chicago Code like they did Southland.

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