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World Cup 2010 Thread

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Yay, Uruguay are through. :D

Now I can sit back and enjoy tonight's match as a 100% true neutral for the first time for a while. Ghana getting through would be great, as they're African, and... actually, that's the only reason.

And USA getting through would be great, because they have some good players, and Uruguay vs. USA would rock.

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I can´t wait for the Daily show skit wen the US goes through and Germany beats England.

It'll be the same as the last few skits, no?

Stewart: *teases the English*


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I can´t wait for the Daily show skit wen the US goes through and Germany beats England.

It'll be the same as the last few skits, no?

Stewart: *teases the English*


Sorry, but I can´t get enough of that. :-p

The US might actualy make it to the semi finals with oponents as easy as the ones they have.

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At the risk of inviting embarrassment when Jamie Carragher is brought back into the team tomorrow in place of Upson... why would you play a guy who's proven himself to suck and fuck everything up lately, when the guy replacing him is perfectly healthy and played brilliantly in the last game? What else does Feilhaber have to do, exactly?

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If the US don't give up a goal in the first 15 minutes, we should win. I am assuming the team realizes this is the time to stop fucking around and waiting to get "hit in the mouth" before deciding to make some moves isn't going to work any longer.

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If the US don't give up a goal in the first 15 minutes, we should win. I am assuming the team realizes this is the time to stop fucking around and waiting to get "hit in the mouth" before deciding to make some moves isn't going to work any longer.


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