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19 hours ago, Adam said:

Also, the original Terminator film is better than T2. Both are magnificent but The Terminator is pretty much perfect in my opinion.

T2 just edges it for me.

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16 hours ago, Howdy Cloudy said:



8 hours ago, Josh Marenghi said:

That is such obvious bait and it will absolutely work on me.

Dude, I fucking cried during the TRAILER...I'll need a pallet of tissues to get through the movie

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17 hours ago, Jericode said:

That Zombieland trailer looks better than I was expecting it to be, cautiously optimistic for it.

Loved the first one so can't wait for this!

Also that Mr. Rogers movie is going to have me sobbing.

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I liked a lot of it but


I thought the ending was just a retread of Inglourious Basterds and where there it was pretty thrilling to see an unwritten rule of historical fiction get broken here my reaction was "oh, this again?" also, Quentin Tarantino's foot fetish stuff at its worst.

The stuff with DiCaprio on the set of the TV western he's playing the villain in is tremendous; honestly, it's probably my favorite performance of his ever. I also liked Brad Pitt at the Spahn Ranch. In general I think I really loved the atmosphere of the movie and wish it didn't feel like it had to have a thing to tie the plot together, because I wasn't into that thing. It's like Reverse Death Proof where the atmosphere and long dialogue scenes were boring to me but the ending was this big visceral joyous thing.


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3 hours ago, GoGo Yubari said:

I liked a lot of it but

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I thought the ending was just a retread of Inglourious Basterds and where there it was pretty thrilling to see an unwritten rule of historical fiction get broken here my reaction was "oh, this again?" also, Quentin Tarantino's foot fetish stuff at its worst.

The stuff with DiCaprio on the set of the TV western he's playing the villain in is tremendous; honestly, it's probably my favorite performance of his ever. I also liked Brad Pitt at the Spahn Ranch. In general I think I really loved the atmosphere of the movie and wish it didn't feel like it had to have a thing to tie the plot together, because I wasn't into that thing. It's like Reverse Death Proof where the atmosphere and long dialogue scenes were boring to me but the ending was this big visceral joyous thing.


I think that sums up my thoughts pretty well. Though...


I probably enjoyed the ending a bit more than you did. It seems very Tarantino to want to try and daydream of that particular change in history so I was okay with it. 

I really enjoyed Pitt throughout, especially when interacting with Brandi but the DiCaprio on set parts were definitely his highlight. I also never expected to love him calling people hippies as much as I did. 

You are 10000% on the money about the foot thing. Oddly enough a friend of mine thought I was crazy for saying that was a thing of his. Somehow he never noticed it before. Which seems insane!


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