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Recommendations on that one, then?

Tech Mastery is pretty easy. So is Biotic Mastery, if that's your thing. Most of the weapon ones are simple, just a grind. Actually, that's most of them.

The only really frustrating ones are the enemy faction ones and combat mastery. Those are a bitch.

You could always just get the Halloween Challenge banner if you want something super simple ;)

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The Halloween challenge sucks because all you get is a banner. No commendation pack, and you have to sucessfully complete the Ghost map several times. But at least It doesn't matter if you personally extract, just that someone does. Even if its a lone survivor extraction, it counts for everyone on the team.

The Eagle use challenge was a pain in the ass because while its a good pistol its not one of my top 3 favorites. I prefer the Carnifex, Paladin and Acolyte over it.

The one power use medal I don't look forward to having to do is Nova, because the way my playing style is I rarely use it except as an `OH, FUCK! WE'RE GONNA DIE!' desperation move when a lot of mobs are on top of me or the team. Same with Barrier and Tech Armor.

Oh, and if anyone needs to get Biotic Explosions, try using the Volus Adept if you have it. Use a Stasis + Biotic Orbs combo. Not sure what's a good combo for Tech Explosions.

I've unlocked the Ex-Cerberus Vanguard, Male Quarian Engineer, Volus Adept and the N7 Paladin since I posted last. The Volus is damned fun to play as on certain maps like Firebase White, and its easy to get Biotic Explosions using Stasis + Biotic Orbs. The N7 Paladin is my favorite out of the N7s I have unlocked so far (Fury, Paladin and Slayer) because I can laugh at an Atlas, Ravager or Geth Prime if I'm facing toward it and prepared. Haven't tried it against the Collector boss mobs yet, and obviously I'm not going to be stupid enough to try that vs a Banshee! In fact, I don't really like the Fury all that much.

I've unlocked plenty of weapon upgrades, but the only new weapon I've unlocked is the Collector Rifle, and I don't care for it. Also got the Responder Loadout and Assault Loadout, and upgrades for both. I'll never use the Responder Loadout.

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I got the N7 Destroyer the other day, quite amusing just walking around firing rockets, even if they are a little underpowered even when I sink all the points into it. Can't even one hit a cannibal on bronze!

Still love the Shadow though just for teleporting around the map cutting things to ribbons.

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I got the N7 Destroyer the other day, quite amusing just walking around firing rockets, even if they are a little underpowered even when I sink all the points into it. Can't even one hit a cannibal on bronze!

Still love the Shadow though just for teleporting around the map cutting things to ribbons.

I've grouped with Destroyers plenty of times, and have only seen their rockets take out enemies two or three times. Didn't ask if they were using the Cobra or Hydra option, but I do know the missiles' homing is a joke since it can't go around or over cover or automatically adjust to do that the way some powers like Incinerate can. Plus having missile mode on cuts your shields in half. If I ever get the Destroyer unlocked, I don't think I'll put a lot of points in the missile power.

But then again I find the Soldier class to be boring, unless I'm playing the Batarian. Ballistic Blades with the explosive option rocks.

Forgot to add: I want the Shadow unlocked bad!

Edited by GhostMachine
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Played as an N7 Demolisher with grenades maximized (10), and I gotta' say, having grenades and a supply depot as the major powers is kind of a double-edged sword. You have to ration things a bit, but if you're trying to hit stuff like Banshees or Phantoms, the Homing Grenade is great.

I still prefer stuff from the original four. Turian Sentinel will always be my favorite class - biotics and tech. Oh, and as far as tech detonations, you probably wanna' go with Disruptor ammo and then have a tech power besides overload.

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Get your asses in-game for some multiplayer today! Here's why.....

Make sure to log into Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and participate in the N7 Day challenge and claim your N7 Day Loyalty Pack. This exclusive Reinforcement Pack is our way of thanking you for your continued war efforts in multiplayer. It contains powerful items and upgrades including one ultra-rare item!


No word yet on what the challenge is going to be.

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The challenge is easy: extradict human characters on 3 maps. Any difficulty. And Ex-Cerberus and N7 units count as Human.

They've extended it through Friday.

I'll likely bang it out using my N7 Paladin or Slayer. Haven't been in an Ex-Cerberus mood lately, and the only time I play Human is if I'm running an Adept or Sentinel.

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Completed my second play through of #2 last night (after leaving it hanging for months). It was glorious. First run I managed to save everyone, this time I decided to run in head first and do minimal work to see who would survive.

Spoilers for ME1 and 2 below (just in case)...

Managed to kill Tali in the door scene after the steam pipes, Garrus went when he was carried away after fighting through the Collector swarm (limiting my squad in the next game, but since I used them both in my first run of #3 anyway, it doesn't make any difference), Legion never joined the squad (sent him to Cerberus instead of activating him this time), Miranda was randomly dead as I was finishing up, Mordin and Jack both died after the final battle (both crushed), Zaeed died whilst leading an alternate squad. Survivors were Grunt, Jacob, Kasumi, Morinth, and Thane.

Add that to my death count of Kaidan and Wrex from ME1, and this ruthless Shep does exactly what he says on the tin :D

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Apparently the next Mass Effect game is going to use the Frostbite engine. Oh, joy.

Unlocked the Turian Havok, and its an interesting class. Havok Strike is more or less a version of Biotic Charge using a jetpack instead of biotics. Stimulant Pack provides short term buffs including shield boosts. I recommend maxing it out, and I'd go with defense over weapon damage for the last slot. Its other power is Cryo Blast, which was already in the game on other classes. I recommend loading up on firepower, because the Havok won't be doing a lot of damage otherwise. The Havok has a nice dodge/strafe, using the backpack to move, and it goes farther sideways than other dodges like the Asari.

Still don't have the N7 Shadow unlocked...dammit. :(

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I have all of the Engineers. My favorite class is Infiltrator and I'm still missing two or three of those. I randomly got the Battlefield 3 character, which of course reminded me that I could have already gotten the Battlefield 3 soldier if I'd ever bothered, y'know, playing my copy of BF3. I know have been playing every game I've got but ME3 because I realized that I have all these games that I haven't even touched. Fuck, this is as bad as when I got Halo 3. It's partly why I won't be getting 4 for a long time - FPS and TPS multi owns my soul.

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My favorite class is the Infiltrator, with Engineers a close second. However, the N7 Slayer (Vanguard) and both Ex-Cerberus (Adept and Vanguard) are also really fun for me to play as. I find playing the Soldier to be boring as hell most of the time, but the Turian Havoc is cool. If I'm on a Soldier, though, I'm usually running a Krogan or Batarian. Ballistic Blades are awesome, and I always max it with the explosive option.

And the Ghost hazard map is a joke if you're on a character with Tech Armor, since the acid rain doesn't do jack to shields with Tech Armor up.

One recommendation for weapons I have is, pack the Acolyte if you use a pistol, unless you have the Scorpion (shoots sticky grenades, basically) or prefer to use the Carnifex or Paladin (for precision shots). The Acolyte's shots can ricochet, so you can hit opponents behind cover or around corners, and the shots take down barriers and shields quick. Also does good damage to armor, and you don't need to slot in an armor piercing mod. Its my weapon of choice for killing Phantoms and Nemesis, and I often use it as my opening shot against Atlases, Banshees, Scions and Geth Primes (I tend to run and use cover with a full auto weapon against Praetorians rather than even bothering with the Acolyte)....if I don't have any Cobra missiles, that is.

Edited by GhostMachine
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An artist has been doing an project of every major ME character done as a Dragon Age character..heres one of the pictures


Edit: Just realized how large it is..putting it in spoilers

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An artist has been doing an project of every major ME character done as a Dragon Age character..heres one of the pictures


Edit: Just realized how large it is..putting it in spoilers

Utterly magnificent. Thank you for sharing that.

Quite excited for the Omega DLC. Didn't the new ME4 team make it? I have high hopes since I love this series dearly.

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Interesting that the image has Alenko riding a dragon, and puts paragon/good Shephard as a biotic user/wizard while renegade/evil Shephard is a soldier/warrior. He forgot to include Ashley Williams, though.

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Interesting that the image has Alenko riding a dragon, and puts paragon/good Shephard as a biotic user/wizard while renegade/evil Shephard is a soldier/warrior. He forgot to include Ashley Williams, though.

That's Joker on the dragon. I thought the biotic user/wizard was Alenko.....

But yes, Ashley is missing and so is Jacob.

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Yeah, Shepard's to the right of Kaiden and Joker's riding the Cerberus dragon, which I'm assuming represents the Normandy SR2. Ashley and Jacob are the ones that are missing in the piece.

... and nothing of value was lost :shifty:

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Isn't that JAcob between Mordin and The Prothean?

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