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2014 FIFA World Cup


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I can pretty much see any option re: the group which is a weird place to be in. Germany and Portugal are obviously better teams (especially since I guess Ronaldo is okay after all? If Ronaldo didn't play I'd actually give us a shot) and Ghana has had our number for eight years now. To be honest, even just beating Ghana would make me satisfied given the difficulty of the draw, but I've gone "oh hahaha well we won't win this but it'll be interesting" about plenty of Klinsmann-era USA games and been wrong. Most of those were friendlies, though...

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Which one of us is going to tell the Americans that Ronaldo returned from injury last night as Portugal spanked Ireland 5-1?

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It's weird here seeing the USA fans getting out-patrioted. By the Christ the Redeemer yesterday, a mix of Ghana, Mexico, Chile and Colombia fans were having banter (oh God, sorry for using that word). Some US fans came all USA! USA! but slinked away after seeing everyone else.

There's fuckloads of Argies here. I've only seen one Swiss fan.

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I'm having to record most of the games next week cause I'm working some evenings :( Fucking Next, why do you have to put me in doing evening shifts as an admin :(

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It's a work quiz. Our team was 1 point behind the winners last time so we're going for glory tonight!

I assume the "under the thumb" quip relates to Stokerina in some way, when in fact she's not involved in the quiz or any such thing.

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You could probably watch it anyway if it's a pub quiz, I'm sure it'd be on in the background.

I need to plan which games I'm gonna record cause I'll be missing the 5 and 8pm games.

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It's a work quiz. Our team was 1 point behind the winners last time so we're going for glory tonight!

I assume the "under the thumb" quip relates to Stokerina in some way, when in fact she's not involved in the quiz or any such thing.

Still, what a fucking stupid night to run a shit pub quiz. :shifty:

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You could probably watch it anyway if it's a pub quiz, I'm sure it'd be on in the background.

Ah, but here's the kicker: it's a 'pub' quiz in name only. It's being held in some other place that has no TVs. Booooo!

Still, what a fucking stupid night to run a shit pub quiz. :shifty:

Ayup. :shifty:

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