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The Barclays Premier League Thread 2014/2015


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Newcastle's hilarious transfer 'policy' means that thanks to three injuries (Dummett, Good and permacrock Taylor) our surviving back four is all that's left plus something called a 'Lubo Satka'. One more injury (and Colo's due) and we're sticking fullbacks at centre half and midfielders at fullback. Could be a more eventful end of the season than I thought.

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I really, really, really shouldn't place myself in positions where I'm able to see, let alone click on, links to Metro sport articles... But alas. Too late.

So how's this for a shocking abuse of statistics?


My thought is that if more fans of a particular club are arrested, it actually suggests that there's greater co-operation from the majority of the fans around them to provide witness against racist behaviour.

Nevermind that when dealing with such small numbers (up to 5 arrests over 13 years), the margin of error is absolutely massive. If one racist fan is better at running/disguise/other ways of escaping arrest than another...boom, his club is officially less racist!

Either way, absolute gutter filth of the worst kind. Not written with any intention other than to tar all Chelsea fans with a single brush.

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If you want to be more amused one of the related articles (at least on the mobile site) is "Media must act responsibly in Chelsea racism row" where the journo slates people for tarring Chelsea with the racism brush.

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Reminds me of the whole Anders Frisk thing somewhat, Chelsea fans at the time got slated massively - as if it was all Chelsea fans or something - when its - and by no means am I trying to make it seem acceptable to send referee's death threats - something that happens a lot to referees, if accounts by Graham Poll and others are anything to go by.

The English footballing press are one of the worse going, even the normally sensible and non-hysterical papers have been prone to dropping into the shitfest that the Sun, Mirror etc ply. Tabloid journos sought out Urs Meier's son in the wake of England's 2004 Euros exit to ask if he'd ever been abused by his father.

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Hahaha, reading that other article about the media. That's the first time I've seen that Stan Collymore tweet. Hilarious.

What a tit. I can only imagine the level of abuse that followed. Surprised he could spell 'Quelle' though...

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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Collymore's been pulled off his next BT Sport show in response to his cuntishness. Of course he's got a whole YOU WILL NOT SILENCE TRUTH RAR RAR RAR thing going on his twitter feed now.

In a way it's entertaining to watch his spiral of impotent rage.

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“Going by Mr Collymore’s comments, his understanding of the subject is about as comprehensive as his ability to win trophies as a player.

“Whilst he had a mediocre career on the pitch it would appear he hopes to excel as an internet troll. We are loath to respond but see that sadly the press have picked up his comments."

Rangers Supporters Trust firing back at Collymore. So much burn.

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Hoping to earn a lovely half-hour period (circa 5pm - 5:30pm this afternoon) where we're 10 points clear and City haven't started playing yet. Just so that I can look at the table and smile, basically.

Considering that we're going to end up playing nearly two months with a smaller gap (but a game in hand) after the COC final, I'll take the uneven table that looks nicer than it is while I can. :shifty:

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Chelsea team for Burnley: Courtois, Ivanovic, Zouma, Terry, Filipe Luis, Matic, Fabregas, Cuadrado, Oscar, Hazard, Diego Costa.

Chelsea subs for Burnley: Cech, Azpilicueta, Cahill, Ramires, Willian, Drogba, Remy.

Looks good.

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