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Champions League 2014/15


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Ryan "the ref is a cunt" Hughes.

I honestly don't know what result benefits City tonight. A Bayern win, maybe? That way, if they do the double over Roma, and City beat CSKA at home (surely they will), it'll be a battle for 2nd with Roma.

Don't think City are out of this group just yet.

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How does failing to get a penalty when you're already 2-0 up turn the game...unless your players are fuckwits whose mentality is riddled with such chronic fragility that the flimsiest excuse tears them asunder?

Oh, wait. Man City in Europe. Nevermind.

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How does failing to get a penalty when you're already 2-0 up turn the game...unless your players are fuckwits whose mentality is riddled with such chronic fragility that the flimsiest excuse tears them asunder?

Oh, wait. Man City in Europe. Nevermind.

Asked and answered. We're shit enough in Europe as is without dodgy penalty decisions!

On the plus side, if we still manage to sneak in to the Europa League, there should be some fun nights. I still reckon Hamburg a few years back is one of my favourite home games. Much better atmosphere than on CL nights.

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I know it's hard to be enthusiastic when your CL form has been shocking, but what makes you think you're out? A win over CSKA and a result in Roma, and you're back in business. Be positive!

Anyway, I'll be watching the Roma-Bayern game tonight. Chelsea should brush Maribor aside. I don't want to watch them smash two teams in the space of 5 days. :shifty:

I wish it was Liverpool-Real tonight though. :(

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I know it's hard to be enthusiastic when your CL form has been shocking, but what makes you think you're out? A win over CSKA and a result in Roma, and you're back in business. Be positive!

It's because the form is shocking that most City fans will always think "Roma? We'll get stuffed there, knowing us". It's typical City.

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Benatia being given a hard time already by the Roma fans. Can't fault the guy for signing for Bayern, although it makes me sad because a few days before, Jim White tweeted that Benatia was on his way to United. False hope. :(

Edit: Fantastic goal from Robben. Ashley Cole couldn't get near him.

Edit2: Would be 1-1 but for a great save from Neuer to deny Gervinho. Good start to this one!

The soon to be "best in the world" according to Messi has given Barca the lead against Ajax.

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I keep going through the motions. Been in work ranging from we are going to get smashed to being optimistic saying oh I've seen us pull off some amazing things on Europe before why not tonight, to walking past the hotel the Madrid players were staying at and seeing a few of them on my lunch break making me go back to we are going to get smashed.

As long as we play better than Saturday... Hoping for Allen/Gerrard/Henderson in midfield tonight we've really missed Allen and Henderson together. Balotelli needs to do something tonight as well, I'd be tempted to go with Sterling up front but I can't see that happening.

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