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It's designed to slow progress, once you reach Ultra Rare++, you need Pro Ultra Rare cards to really start progressing. Each Ultra Rare card I have equals about the same amount of experience at Max Level as a Super Rare Pro Max Level. So to really get anywhere, you'll need Ultra Rare Pro cards, at least one or two. And even at Ultra Rare++, I've still only ever gotten one Ultra Rare. And I'm still rarely ever getting Super Rares.

And I disagree, I've had fun with the game, I really don't give a shit if it's designed well or not. I've had fun with it. Isn't that the point of games? To be fun?

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It is, and to each their own, but I haven't had fun with the game. I've just played it because there's been nothing else to do at times. And instead, I could have been enjoying myself by reading, or playing something else instead—something well-designed and (to me) fun.

It's insidious in its freemium-ness and it's not engaging to me in the least, yet I keep playing it. Definitely not as much as I used to though, because the initial awe factor of finding dudes and boosting them has worn off. It's the same reason I can't get into the Ultimate Team modes in EA Games. I'm not willing to spend an assload of money and the grinding aspect of getting good cards ISN'T engaging—or, well, it kinda is in the EA games, but it doesn't negate the fact that dudes can just spend way too much money and have a much better team than me. In SuperCard, I have even less impetus to give a shit because the "game" I'm playing isn't engaging at all. And there's no skill in it. At least in FIFA, say, if I'm playing against a dude with all Team of the Week guys, I might have a chance because of SKILL. In, say, Hearthstone, or the Pokemon card game, I might still be able to win because of skill and strategy.

That doesn't exist in this game.

If you're willing to fully admit that this isn't well-designed and just kinda gross but still enjoy it? Good on you. I don't.

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Everything that Will has said. EVERYTHING. I actually fucking hate this game, and wished I hadn't deleted my Township game (I fucking loved that shit, but it kept making my phone super hot and I was scared it might damage it) and now only play this.

It's so dumb. Why must I play the 3rd match when I've already won the first 2? Why can't I skip the stupid animations? Why can't I get more Ultra Rares, and the only Super Rares I get are the same boring stuff. Why can't they stop giving me the boost cards when I've already reached the limit? WHY MUST WE HAVE 45 FUCKING QUALIFYING MATCHES?

I mean, people are allowed to spend money on whatever they want, but I feel that you should be spending money on this only if you really, really have money to spare.

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It's so dumb. Why must I play the 3rd match when I've already won the first 2? Why can't I skip the stupid animations? Why can't I get more Ultra Rares, and the only Super Rares I get are the same boring stuff. Why can't they stop giving me the boost cards when I've already reached the limit? WHY MUST WE HAVE 45 FUCKING QUALIFYING MATCHES?

Well, come on - the game is barely a week old. I don't think a lot of these are really gripes as much as things that are likely going to be fixed.

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For me, it wasn't so much the spending on a F2P game. I've made it known in the past that I think that the F2P gets some unfair slagging off from people and any new game coming out as free gets tarred with the same brush. TBF, we don't know how much Brench spent. I was merely going off what people had previously said about it potentially costing upwards of 10, 20, 30£ to get a good set of cards and personally I think that's a little absurd.

And as for the Snickers, depends where you're buying. Corner shops know you're buying out of urgency and will mark up accordingly whereas places like a supermarket might price more to get you to impulse buy and can keep their prices lower thanks to the size of their businesses. Do buy one though, with it's mix of chocolate, nougat, caramel and peanuts, it is indeed a hearty confection for a beefy man such as yourself. And as your little outbursts at the mere thought of someone questioning you spending money on this game has shown, you can be a right diva when you're hungry so get some nuts.

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I don't see the point of paying for the game. I see the challenge as grinding to get cards.

I think it's pretty fun. Repition is fine by me and some of the decisions (like when to use a weapon card) can sometimes decide the winner. I'm shooting for the best win-loss ratio I can get. I wish the in game record was your record though. Winning 2-1 shouldn't be the same as winning 3-0.

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You guys get annoyed over weird things. I apologise for showing support to a company which has provided me with hours of entertainment for the past 20 years.

It's not so much that you spent the money, it was more the "I'm unbeatable now!" *preen* attitude that irks me about this way of playing.

Well...no shit. In fact, if you spend money to get ahead of the curve, you should be utterly embarrassed if you lose.

I don't think those who spend money and those who don't are playing the game any better/worse - just different. But both sides should be aware of their expectationsof the path they chose. If you don't spend, expect to lose to those who do.

If you do spend, don't expect to be heralded as a god among men. You've bought a gun, then brought it to a knife fight - a great way to win the fight, but a less good way to be renowned as good at fighting.

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Just started playing. 8-0, with a team of rare HBK, rate Edge, uncommon Cena and Bryan, and common Natalya.

It's fun, but it keeps trying to put me up against people with really high games played...

Just started playing. 8-0, with a team of rare HBK, rate Edge, uncommon Cena and Bryan, and common Natalya.

It's fun, but it keeps trying to put me up against people with really high games played...

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I just proc'd into SR+ and I am copping the BUTTKICKING OF A LIFETIME.

In positive news, I finally max'd out both my Rare Santino's, (112/112/117/132) and combined them into Rare Pro Santino (123/123/129/145). Fed him my Max Uncommon Pro T-Kidd (who had been combined by two max uncommon T-Kidd's) for an automatic two levels. Fed him the last few scraps of my spare cards and now I have a level 19 rare pro Santino (163/163/171/192).

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Holy cow how did you get up to SR so quickly? Or is that how it usually works, cause I forget the beginning, being stuck in this rut for so long.

Just claimed my rewards: a pair of UR McMahons and SR +6PWR, +6TGH. The support card is absolutely useless, I have a bunch so much better than that. I guess I'm excited about UR McMahon, even though his cards are unbalanced. I'll be unbeatable in charisma at least.

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I think there is something to this 'feed as many cards as possible at level 0' idea.

I maxed out to 100 cards and then fed about 85 cards (about 50/50 common and uncommon, quite a few pros and some rares) to a lvl 0 SR Batista and it got him to lvl 18. Then I put another 30 cards into him and went up only two levels.

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No, that's an illusion. Common cards are worth 21 exp, Common Pros 45. Uncommon cards 41, and so on and so forth. It's consistent. It's the gap between levels at the top end that jumps up such a huge degree, that's why.

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It's not, though! I fed a load of uncommon cards to a SR at level 0 and it only took 2 cards to get them to each level. Only two cards every time, the grind never got bigger and I fed them something like 20 cards and got them to around level 10, if not higher.

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