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Status Updates posted by Sousa

  1. Vote for me in the Pop Prom and I will +1 your posts. Hey new people, this could be your chance!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. LL!


      Less... evil? Zuh?

    3. MortonElephant


      Is there a 3rd candidate that doesn't bitch? I'll vote for them. XD

    4. Sousa


      I'm not bitching! I have much to offer you in the way of important reputation points.

  2. The Man with the Yellow Hat stepped out of his clothes and into the shower, letting the steaming hot water stream across his naked, muscular body. George was curious.

  3. I have no opinion on Dan one way or the other.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I'll tell him you said...hello.

  4. Thank goodness for Prince Iaukea!

    1. Meacon Keaton
    2. Kane's Mullet Slacker

      Kane's Mullet Slacker

      That's The Artist formerly known as Prince Iaukea to you.

  5. I think I'll start liking Brodus Clay again if they do an angle where they find a female Funkasaurus and WWE's top scientists try to get the two to mate. And by "WWE's top scientists" I mean, of course, Damien Sandow.

    1. brenchill


      Mark those spoilers. Not everyone is as clued in as you on Kharma's return.

    2. C-MIL
    3. MortonElephant


      Kongasaurus? Dr. Sandow?

  6. Some people are jam-up guys.

  7. Hey Scott Steiner, I heard you are upset about Garrett Bischoff. Why don't you tell us about it on Twitter?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SlicedBread


      I'd much rather want a Steiner rant show on Spike TV than Impact.

    3. tenaciousg


      If it was just two hours of Steiner putting fat guys in the Recliner while he spoke about stuff, I'd watch it.

    4. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Someone should introduce Scott Steiner to Youtube. To Hell with Twitter. I want a Scott Steiner Youtube show.

  8. I hope Thomas Kinkade died peacefully in one of his many sylvan cabins near dusk in the winter time.

  9. Things Conservative Talking Heads Know About Saul Alinsky: 1. The title of his book

    1. C-MIL


      Well, they've got me beat.

  10. Looking forward to seeing your mom tonight.

  11. I saw three people at Wal-Mart in hoodies. Managed to not shoot any of them.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Great. Now none of us are safe. Thanks, asshat.

  12. If you are posting in the ring and your joke begins with THEY SHOULD BRING IN THIS MAN and ends in a picture, make a funnier joke next time.

    1. Josh


      "Hey remember [obscure/failed wrestler x]?" is the go to laaaazy wrasslin' joke.

    2. Hobo
    3. Mick


      Maybe we just need joke or sarcasm tags :shifty:

  13. Is your avatar a picture of Our Man Debojit?

  14. The WCW Saturday Night Youth Hostel is NOT live in the Dome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Draevyn


      Well it should be! Get on that!

    3. Draevyn


      Well it should be! Get on that!

    4. apsham


      How will Sick Boy ever get better now?

  15. Holy kliq, it's crap.

  16. It worked!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maxx


      I know that is just your anger speaking, and you can't help it. I forgive you.

    3. Sousa


      I love angry primates. Angry primates are my favorite.

    4. SRN
  17. Someday I'm going to play an EWR game centered around 2 Cold Scorpio, 2 Tuff Tony, and 21st Century Fox.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      But there's three of them!

    3. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      2+2+21-(2+2+2+1)=The Undertaker?

    4. Sousa


      They are always the first three alphabetically. If I become a wrestler, my name is going to be 1 Tuff Cookie. And then I will be first!

  18. The best way to get an answer from Hammy is to threaten to disempenis him.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Never mind Hammy, figure out how to get a response out of Kliq. We've been waiting ages!

    2. Sousa


      If I threaten to disempenis kliq I will likely be disempenis'd and will instead have to use the one from Srar's chair.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more


      fuck Schrodinger! it's all about Pavlov's dog!

      horrible band!

    3. Mick


      Schrodinger? I hardly know 'er!

    4. SRN
  20. Afa is my captain.

  21. Ringtone is now Joe Biden blessing America from space.

    1. King Ellis
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I doubt you'd even be able to hear him.

    3. Gazz


      In space, no one can hear you 'EHHHHHHH!'

  22. We found love when you sat on my fa-ace.

  23. I am back and posting on EWB again after 24 hours' absence.

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