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Status Updates posted by =BK=

  1. Has EWB Book Club ever been a thing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HC


      I would like one personally, but no one seemed interested when I asked a while back.

    3. jack95


      I'd do EWB Book Club.



      I would but you guys would all read utter nonsense. Maybe I'd we read the Greek classics...

  2. Am I wrong for trying to install a no-spoiler rule in the efed I run? THe members are acting like I'm trying to take away free speech entirely, I even offered to set up a spoiler part of the forum

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sousa


      "THe members are acting like I'm trying to take away free speech entirely"

      Members are douchebags. Fire all members. Start over.

    3. =BK=


      can't fire the guys I've been fedding with for 3 years

    4. Sousa


      Then I cannot help you.

  3. Walked two miles today, now sitting in front of the fan and writing something on my laptop, good day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gazz


      Were any of these miles inside a pit of danger?

    3. LittleDaniel


      ...you realize two miles is not far at all, right?

    4. Plubby


      It's reasonable. I did twice that on the weekend (and about the same distance with arms full of groceries) and I was well buggered afterwards.

  4. I just heard the most ridiculous line on Law and Order."Do you think there was a reason that the killer sodomized your husband with a banana?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trench


      Well, if he used his penis he would be gay.

    3. C-MIL


      Was there a reason?

    4. =BK=


      he was allergic to bananas, but it was used on him after he was dead.

  5. House of Leaves. Anyone read it? Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StevenRichardsRules


      I'm about a third of the way through. It's really awesome, definitely worth a read.

    3. C-MIL


      It is not for you.

    4. TEOL


      known some call is air am

  6. Turned 20 today. Feels...odd not having "teen" in my age anymore..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drew Wheeler
    3. Sousa


      You are twenteen going on twenteen-one; fellas will fall in line.

    4. Beefus of Bethesda
  7. Fuck G4, I want TechTV back

    1. Benji


      Fuck that. I want Gamesmaster back.

    2. tristy


      Morgan Webb needs leaked nude pics like Cat had.

    3. =BK=


      She was offered a Playboy shoot once along with the other women on TechTV, too bad she said no.

  8. Out in the cold with the Normies once more. *Sigh*

    1. =BK=


      Whoever liked that, I can't see you!<_<

    2. Lineker
    3. Twist


      One of us, one of us, one of us.

  9. Who would like a peek into 14 year old Kirkland's head? I just found my oldest piece of creative writing and boy is it something.

  10. oh lordy, its hailing like crazy all of a sudden.

    1. Draevyn


      Did Jimmy Hart lead him out?

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Oh baby it's hailin' hailin' hailin'

    3. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      When are you playing GTA with us online?

  11. 61°F out and the wind is blowing. It just feels so good.

    1. fourstarfizzle


      It's -18 here, it's not very fun.

    2. fourstarfizzle


      That's 0F for all you non-conformists.

    3. ThrillhouseMAX


      Yeah, its like 30F over here. Which is warm compared to 0, but it just started snowing.

  12. The Nativity scene being removed from the Couthouse this year has really brought out the Crybabies in town.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Church and state are separate, buddy!

    2. =BK=


      Some people don't quite seem to understand that.

    3. Gazz
  13. So in Colorado at least 10 people who just wanted to see the new Batman movie have been shot to death. What the fuck.

    1. Dingle


      I'm 50/50 here. Half of me is disgusted at the actions of some people, the other half isn't surprised at it and wants to make a 'Gatman' joke. Disgusting behaviour though.

    2. Lineker


      Jouzy mocking people after his heinous crimes. Not cool :/

    3. Dingle


      Shut up, I'm trying to fly under the radar here.

  14. Watching a special on NatGeo about The Westboro Baptist Church.I almost forgot how crazy these people are.

    1. Benji


      I could swear Fred Phelps died. I've just discovered that may have been a wonderful dream. Shame.

    2. Hobo


      Nothing crazier than a family of lawyers that form a cult.

    3. SESbb30


      try living so close to them that you drive by them every day. fred phelps will never die, hes like the freakin antichrist, his children and worse than he is btw

  15. Which finisher name would better suit a move by a wrestler who is also a radio personality. Payola or The Dump Button?

    1. zap



    2. Momo
    3. =BK=


      ...THATS IT! I had came up with that before and it was killing me I couldn't think of the name

  16. Is wearing an Abyss costume right now

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      No one wants to be Abyss. Chris Parks doesn't want to be Abyss.

    2. TGWL


      tell the truth, all you did was get a mask.

    3. =BK=


      i made a mask and cut the sleeves out of a black shirt.

  17. EWR and my MP3 player all night again.

    1. =BK=


      I've started wearing pants instead of shorts but its still cold,lol. I've never played a split game before, could be interesting.

    2. Rocky


      maybe you 2 can exchange numbers and speak until one falls asleep :D

    3. EddieG


      Kirkland will fall asleep first, guaranteed

  18. I think I'm just gonna listen to White Noise and play EWR all night untill I go to bed, the city skin I made makes it so nice to look at again.

    1. DJ Ice
    2. Hornswoggle4PM


      Hopefully you mean the Living End album. Awesome band.

    3. =BK=


      Nah, I'm not too into them, I meant like hair dryer sounds, its relaxing.

  19. Why the hell don't Pizza places have prices on their sites?

    1. Pizza


      Most pizza websites are national, while prices are set by region, or even individual store.

    2. =BK=


      makes sense I guess

    3. Kaney


      Ask Ruki. He knows. All of them.

    1. Mick


      I will only assume you Google'd Sousa's response to my comment and came up with that via TVTropes.

    2. =BK=


      Close. Not TV Tropes.

  20. Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth>>>>Scary Movie

    1. GA!


      This is why we don't respect you.

    2. GA!


      And for the record: a chance meeting between a blender and genitalia > Scary Movie...

  21. I think I'm playing Red Dead online on PS3 tonight.

    1. Dan


      Nice to know.

    2. Rocky


      I think I might watch some television before having an early night :D

  22. I swear I heard The Shore theme playing in the next room

    1. Rocky


      And you got excited, ran in only be greeted by a room full of people who mocked your excitement?

    2. Hornswoggle4PM
  23. As much as I love Winter and cold weather, I want it to get warm again so I can keep doing miles, I've lost 30 lbs and I'm looking to double that, not gain it back.

    1. =BK=
    2. Rocky


      Run in the cold :| Man Up...

  24. So for the 1st time in a long time I watched "Angel" this morning and now its on my list of shows to watch again, plus I'll watch "Buffy The vampire Slayer" since Angel is a spin-off. Add the fact I also wanna start watching "Bones" and that a whole lot of David Boreanaz.

    1. hugobomb


      you can never get too much of David Boreanaz

    2. Molly
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