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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Is anyone here jedidarthrevan, because basically I have no idea who they are >_>

That would be me. :D

Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.

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Is anyone here jedidarthrevan, because basically I have no idea who they are >_>

That would be me. :D

Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.

Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages.

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Is anyone here jedidarthrevan, because basically I have no idea who they are >_>

That would be me. :D

Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.

Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages.

Ah problems upon problems! Firstly, haven't been in a posting mood outside of the football threads for...ages. Then I had an operation on my toe so I'd end up spending ages on my laptop...which nicely died on me. But that's fixed now, and taking it's place in the dead pile is my damned X-Box! :'(

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Is anyone here jedidarthrevan, because basically I have no idea who they are >_>

That would be me. :D

Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.

Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages.

Ah problems upon problems! Firstly, haven't been in a posting mood outside of the football threads for...ages. Then I had an operation on my toe so I'd end up spending ages on my laptop...which nicely died on me. But that's fixed now, and taking it's place in the dead pile is my damned X-Box! :'(

Damn. ({)

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Is anyone here jedidarthrevan, because basically I have no idea who they are >_>

That would be me. :D

Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.

Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages.

Ah problems upon problems! Firstly, haven't been in a posting mood outside of the football threads for...ages. Then I had an operation on my toe so I'd end up spending ages on my laptop...which nicely died on me. But that's fixed now, and taking it's place in the dead pile is my damned X-Box! :'(

Damn. ({)

Damn it! I always end up being the black chick!!!


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If I were to go into town today and randomly pick up a SmackDown vs RAW game, is SDvR08 as painfully and awfully bugged (as I've been led to believe) that actually heading for the invariably cheaper 07 version might actually be a sensible plan....or not?

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If I were to go into town today and randomly pick up a SmackDown vs RAW game, is SDvR08 as painfully and awfully bugged (as I've been led to believe) that actually heading for the invariably cheaper 07 version might actually be a sensible plan....or not?
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Well in the end it was a non-issue because GAME had a pre-owned version of 07 for £4.99.


And i thought the 65 bucks i paid for my copy On Boxing Day last year was good.

While im here, Does anyone have any mic placement tips for the wireless mic?, I just got mine after the wired one i had, Shit itself.

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