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The Old XBOX Megathread


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hey guys im well thick when it comes to this kinda things but just wondering if someones got some answers to help me out i have a xbox360 elite and i have no xbox live or anyway to get updates etc, but ive seen that marvel vs capcom 2 the xbox game works on xbox 360, what im wondering is would i need a update download to play that game on 360 or does it just work like halo etc

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For the back compatibility updates you can take a file from the Xbox.com website and burn it to a CD. Then pop it in the console and it should do its thing.


Edited by Kaney.
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Dear Microsoft,

Please consider making Xbox Live an 18+ service, or at least give some sort of age/gamertag filtering option, so I don't have to deal with the legions of fucking idiots screaming over headsets, yelling mom jokes or constant obscenities, or the dipshits deciding that because they're losing they'll fuck everything up for the other players. I could go on.


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Dear Microsoft,

Please consider making Xbox Live an 18+ service, or at least give some sort of age/gamertag filtering option, so I don't have to deal with the legions of fucking idiots screaming over headsets, yelling mom jokes or constant obscenities, or the dipshits deciding that because they're losing they'll fuck everything up for the other players. I could go on.


Ugh. If only that would solve things.

I have heard countless racist arguments over the headsets from grown (haha) men. White guys calling out black guys. Black guys calling out white guys. White and black guys calling out Mexicans. Tough guy Americans bashing English people for the accents. It aggravates the shit out of me. I wouldn't wear a headset, but when playing Call of Duty, I hear it over the television anyway. And I don't want my wife to wonder why I play with such idiots. <_<

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I have 2 Viva Pinatas here too :shifty:

Have you been dabbiling in a Forza 2/Viva Pinata & Wireless Controller deal? :shifty:

Edited by Kaney.
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Fuck ass.

I called another EB Games, and apparnetly the game has been discontinued. My only option is to rent it at Blockbuster (assumign they have it) or to buy it online. Or wait for VP2 to come out....but that takes too long.

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Not too expensive at ebay....although that does me nothing as I lack a credit card. Bah! Why did I have to try this game and like it!?

....and not buy it while it was still available.

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NO! After two years and 5 months, My Xbox Red Ringed on me, *Pours a 40 on the curb for my fallen homie*

Welcome to the club (Y).

It's a shame to be in the club, While I'm here has anyone played MXvsATV: Untamed? i rented it but never got the chance to play it as my console red ringed before i could put it in, It it a sign or is the game good?
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