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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I've only got one game at the moment, and that's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I was wondering I could have some suggestions on what to buy next. I have online, so that's fine. Rainbow Six: Las Vegas II looks quite good. But there seems to be a lot of good things coming out, anything I should save for? The Bourne Conspiaracy looks good. I'm more into shooting and action games more than anything else. I hope this is the place to ask...

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I've thought about Bioshock but heard mixed reviews. A friend recommended Dead Rising but I don't know much about it, is it that good? Oblivion sounds great but is it worth it to get it with the expansion or by itself?

Where did you hear mixed reviews for Bioshock? Many outlets named it the 2007 Game of the Year.

Dead Rising is a must-have. I remember reading up on it before it came out and was convinced it was going to suck, but I played it and it's definitely one of my favorite games on 360. I'm in the minority on Oblivion though, I just could not get into the game at all.

Oblivion blows. I here it's worth it if you stick out the first 45 minutes to an hour, but I can't be fucked boring myself to death for an hour to enjoy the rest of it. I'll just play something I enjoy right away.

I've only got one game at the moment, and that's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I was wondering I could have some suggestions on what to buy next. I have online, so that's fine. Rainbow Six: Las Vegas II looks quite good. But there seems to be a lot of good things coming out, anything I should save for? The Bourne Conspiaracy looks good. I'm more into shooting and action games more than anything else. I hope this is the place to ask...

If you have Vegas the first, Vegas the second may not be worth picking up, it's almost an expansion pack rather than a full-blown sequel. It's good fun, but it's not a lot different, and I've certainly not played it as much as I did the first, which is a shame.

I've yet to play the Bourne Conspiracy demo, but Snuk did and said it was shite.

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I was pumped for Bourne Conspiracy until I played the demo. It's just button-mashing in fights, running, letting the computer do the interesting stuff like leaping balconies and disarming enemies and repeatedly tapping face buttons when it tells you to (one wrong button press and it's game over, too).

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Yeah, the commercials for the Bourne Conspiracy make it look like a movie, but then they show clips of you shooting a machine gun and I think to myself, "yeah, that part is going to be the entire game." I assume it's a cool cutscene of fighting followed by you getting to play and just holding down the fire weapon button the entire time.

Maybe someday we'll get to actually play the cool choreographed fight scene or the John Woo gun duel, but probably not anytime soon.

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Basing your opinion on a game because of the first hour is... absolutely absurd to me. Yes, the first hour of Oblivion isn't the greatest, but the rest of the game more than makes up for it. I've played through it once on PC, halfway through on PC with mods, then another two times on 360, and my girlfriend's buying it for me, so I'll probably play through it again, especially with the expansions out now. Plus, it's not like it's THAT BORING. It's surely not exciting as the rest of the game, but it's not like you're tearing out your own eyeballs over it.

Plus, if you're going to be of that opinion, then Mass Effect sucks balls too. The first hour or so of that game is boooooooooooooooooooooooring. In fact, until you're able to explore space, that game doesn't pick up at all.

And for action/shooting games?

The new Rainbow Six Vegas is good. Nearly impossible, but good. GTA IV is an obvious choice.

It's not out yet, but the new Brothers in Arms looks like it could be fantastic, too. I'm not sure when that's out, though.

Unfortunately, right now is kinda lull for games, to me at least. Ninja Gaiden II ought to be awesome, though.

Edited by Will Kemp
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Mass Effect might well suck balls, I've yet to play it, so that point is entirely moot. I play games to have fun, if it takes over an hour, and it's not even remotely enjoyable, I see no reason to keep ploughing away. I think with most games you can tell in an hour if you're going to nejoy it, I don't get why that's such an absurd notion.

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Mass Effect might well suck balls, I've yet to play it, so that point is entirely moot. I play games to have fun, if it takes over an hour, and it's not even remotely enjoyable, I see no reason to keep ploughing away. I think with most games you can tell in an hour if you're going to nejoy it, I don't get why that's such an absurd notion.

It wouldn't be an absurd notion if we weren't talking abut an RPG, though. That's why it's an absurd notion to me. Most RPGs are pretty slow in the first hour or so.

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I cannot sit idly by whilst Mass Effect and suck balls are used in the same sentence. Stop it. :angry:

We could replace 'Mass Effect' with 'King Ellis' if you'd like? You know, a suitable code word.

On another note, I'm really getting sick of the quitting on UEFA EURO 2008. That win an online knockout cup match achievement is difficult to get because whenever I'm in a winning position with a few minutes to go my opponent always quits on me. Sure I win the match by forfeit but I don't get the achievement (N)

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I cannot sit idly by whilst Mass Effect and suck balls are used in the same sentence. Stop it. :angry:

We could replace 'Mass Effect' with 'King Ellis' if you'd like? You know, a suitable code word.

On another note, I'm really getting sick of the quitting on UEFA EURO 2008. That win an online knockout cup match achievement is difficult to get because whenever I'm in a winning position with a few minutes to go my opponent always quits on me. Sure I win the match by forfeit but I don't get the achievement (N)

How about I replace the space in front of your face with my fist?

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It doesn't, I love that game, but you have to admit that the first hour or so is sloooooooooooooooooow, especially in comparison to the rest of the game.

The first hour is pretty action packed, the whole Eden Prime level is good stuff. It's not until you get to the Citadel that things slow down big time, especially if you decide to do the two dozen side quests. The game picks back up once you talk to the Council.

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hey compared to other bioware games the start of Mass Effect is fast. Eden Prime isn't bad at all, and The Citadel gives you plenty to do and you don't have to do all the side quests your first visit, the story does pick up rather fast once you get going with the main story. the unexplored worlds could of been better though.

speaking of mass effect who was your favorite group member? I think I'm in the minority that liked Ashley, and Wrex was full of win. I would of liked to of gotten more Tali to.

I think I'll pick up Bioshock or Dead Rising soon, I'll wait on Oblivion for now and keep looking for anything else fun.

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Wrex was the man and yes, the side quest planets fucking sucked. "Hey, here's a whole lotta nothing, drive around this slow ass tank that handles like it came straight out of Resident Evil 1 until you find a small pile of rocks."

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It doesn't, I love that game, but you have to admit that the first hour or so is sloooooooooooooooooow, especially in comparison to the rest of the game.

The first hour is pretty action packed, the whole Eden Prime level is good stuff. It's not until you get to the Citadel that things slow down big time, especially if you decide to do the two dozen side quests. The game picks back up once you talk to the Council.

So, that's still the first hour. o_O

Or at least, it was when I played it. Eden Prime was like rad, but the Citadel brought things to a screeching halt for a while.

To each their own opinion, though. Mine's no more right than anyone else's.

Anyway, I personally liked Kaiden the first time I played through, simply because I had all soldiers, basically. Plus, I created a girl so I figured "Might as well keep him around for the romance sub-plot and achievement." Wrex was badass, too.

Second go-around (which I still haven't finished, I can't be bothered considering I'm... at the Citadel, surprise surprise), we'll see what Ashley's character is like.

Edited by Will Kemp
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Call of Duty and GTA4 are all you really need. I have been playing those two back and forth for awhile now and really haven't been bored.

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