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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So Ruki you have a girlfriend who plays WoW eh? ...Can she medically walk on her own or is she confined to her room until the town's forklift is done moving some crates?

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Why can't you Hellfire?

Because I got bored and kicked everyone off my friends list. I'm much too lazy to add people back on now. :(

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Yesterday at work I was reading a PC magazine, and read an article on Fallout 3 (I'm productive!). And wow, the game just sounds more and more amazing, and it looks like there will be consequences for your actions, right from the beginning too!

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Pre-ordered Fable 2 (So I'll have a pub games code I don't need :shifty:), Fallout 3, and Saints Row 2.

And fuck, I just realized....Infinite Undiscovery is coming out in like a week. I need to beat LO now, or it'll never get beaten. But I just downloaded a certain PC game.....rawr!

Edit: Finished LO disk 3. To anyone who has beaten it, what is a good level to be at at the start of disk four? I think my highest is.....34-35. And how long is the last disk?

Edited by Ruki
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I don't remember what lvl I was at the end of disc 3, disc 4 is long IF you do all the side quests which I'd recommend especially if you want achievements or spells or whatever. I was around 50ish near the end and you'll get to 70 or so if you do that really long temple side dungeon. I seriously spent so many extra hours wondering around trying and doing all the side quests. that fight club like place is a good one.

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