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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Some time during Wednesday. It's normally quite early in the day, if not during the middle of the night.

It'll just depends on who's playing Kaney. My initial call was Green but KLX said he really wanted it. I had forgotten about you wanting Red. After all this we'll probably all just end up using one of the unlocked guys anyway. Bear with fish FTW.

Though, my 2100 might not get here for Wednesday so I might not be rolling straight away.

Edited by King eLLis
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Also, someone other than LL host, because he chooses nothing but Deathmatch <_<

Nobody requests anything.

I said Search and Destroy like 10 times!

Also, I may be picking up Castle Crashers, depending on how I feel about the demo...which is released when?

Clearly I didn't hear you. :rolleyes:

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Welcome to the official 'dibs' on Castle Crashers.

Dragsy has dibs on Blue, I have dibs on Green/Red, KLX has dibs on Green. That just leaves LL and I assume Kaney will buy it just caus he can.


I call dibs on this guy. Just have to find out how to unlock him. :shifty:

By the way, here's the partial character list.

Edited by abundant
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