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The Old XBOX Megathread


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It's okay. I've never taken Kou's opinion seriously in my life. (Y)

And the 100 greatest games will of course be unpinned shortly after it's finished (...and/or died).

Edited by stokeriño
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That's great news. Mirror's Edge is one the games that's snuck on me completely, I don't think I'd heard of it until E3 this year. I'm not drawn in by the techno-thriller Big Brother storyline, but the idea of a free running game could be absolutely amazing. Or turd. Anyway, the demo will give some clues.

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Damn, Fallout 3, Far Cry 2 and Fable 2!!!

I've only got the time to play one, but it is one hell of a decision. I'm leaning towards Fable because of all the domestic hijinks you can get up to, but the reviews of Fallout have been amazing and the advert for Far Cry is so badass it makes me want to just get on the game and blow stuff up.

Edited by Zombie Jesus
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Just to make your decision harder, all three games are great. Fable II is just a lot of fucking fun, which is hard to do in an RPG. You forget the fact that the only way you can interact with people is doing expressions that lack any sort of actual depth at all once you shit your pants whether it be delibrate or by accident. Plus, the combat is solid and the game's huge and fun to explore.

Far Cry 2 I rented and I love it. It looks beautiful and the fire is just fucking amazing. Best use of fire in a game I've ever seen, really. It's the first 'open-world'/'sandbox' FPS game I've really enjoyed. Great stuff.

Fallout 3 is immersive as fuck, VATS is awwwwwwwwweeesssooommmmeee, and the game really makes you think about the reprecussions of what you're doing. It's gory and gritty and gruesome and grotesque and... there's no G word for fun I can think of. I played it for a good seven hours yesterday.

Honestly, you can't really lose.

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Ugh. So, I believe my 360's on its last legs. It will just randomly lock up and freeze, forcing me to restart. Sometimes it happens four or five times in a few minutes, other times I can go a good five or six hours and not have to worry about anything. I'd really rather not send it in and not have a 360 for two weeks, but I'm just delaying the inevitable.

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Ugh. So, I believe my 360's on its last legs. It will just randomly lock up and freeze, forcing me to restart. Sometimes it happens four or five times in a few minutes, other times I can go a good five or six hours and not have to worry about anything. I'd really rather not send it in and not have a 360 for two weeks, but I'm just delaying the inevitable.

At least wait for it to red ring, then you can get it fixed for free :shifty:

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