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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Well, if it makes your decsion any tougher, there's this little game called Gears of War 2 out this week. Not sure if you've heard of it.

Which is a point, who's getting it? I might if I can get a good deal. Apparently Sainsbury's do 360 games for about £30 so that sounds good. I'd wait till it gets a bit cheaper used but there's this whole thing about only new copies getting remakes of GoW1 maps. I figure if we're all gonna play 2 multiplayer I want to have all the maps avalible.

Whilst i'm here I may wax lyrical on Far Cry 2, if only to explain it is merely a quick play of a friends copy (ala CoD4) before someone enquires when I bought it.

I don't really know much about the original Far Cry, other than it is meant to be pretty. Therefore I didn't have any preconceptions about this game, especially with the bloated holiday market ensuring other games had my attention. It made a good impression on me though. In what must be the gaming buzzword for the 21st century, it has GTA leanings with an open world you're able to drive around and pick what missions you want to do. I think there are supposed to be different factions you can work for, not sure. You can approach the missions with all guns blazing or hang back and scout the situation out first. If you do you get some map markers that show where various things are. Gunners, viechles to make your escape, health, ammo etc.

The AI can be pretty darn cool at times too. Like on one of the missions, I reached my target and he began his whole 'don't kill me :( ' spiel. Normally when this happens you can leave them to their own devices and they'll talk to themselves for a while before curling into the foetal position. So naturally I chose to ignore him and check out my surroundings. However, when I stopped aiming at him he pulled out his own gun to fire at me. Another occasion saw me driving through a checkpoint which led to a bunch of people firing at me. I pulled up my jeep to take the mounted machine gun and return fire. Wisely, they all hid behind some cover. After a little while of me waiting and them not coming out, I figured I could go fix the car and get on with my journey. As soon as I did though, they all popped out from behind their rocks and started firing at me again.

So yeah, pretty cool. Not that i'm gonna buy it myself mind.

Edited by Fat Sow-sa
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COD5 is such a nonentity for me, and I LOVED COD4. World War 2 is so fucking boring, I'd probably enjoy the gameplay but the style and setting is just done to death.

I will be getting GOW 2 though. You fuckers better get SDvR as well.

Whilst i'm here I may wax lyrical on Far Cry 2, if only to explain it is merely a quick play of a friends copy (ala CoD4) before someone enquires when I bought it.

Good. You need to save your money for RB2 at the end of the month >_>

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I shall be getting SVR. I should have Fallout 3 tonight and Far Cry 2 is on my list to get as well. I'll consider COD5 but probably rent it first.

GOW is gay, though >_>

Fuck off, you want to spend 1,200 points on San Andreas AND get Quontom of Solace, you have no right to say what is good and what isn't.

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I shall be getting SVR. I should have Fallout 3 tonight and Far Cry 2 is on my list to get as well. I'll consider COD5 but probably rent it first.

GOW is gay, though >_>

Fuck off, you want to spend 1,200 points on San Andreas AND get Quontom of Solace, you have no right to say what is good and what isn't.

I see the 'tongue in cheek' manner is lost on some people.

Actually I was only half considering San Andreas for two reasons: 1) it was an awesome game and 2) I never got to complete it on the PS2. And as for Quantum of Solace, I've only played the first level but it's pretty good and you haven't played it so therefore you have no right to say whether it's good or not.

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I was suprised to hear that it is built on the CoD4 engine. The Gamecentral review today gave it 6/10 and said it is pretty good as far as movie/Bond games get nowadays (not saying much). Apparently it has a QTE related melee which just sounds lovely.

I see the 'fuck off' manner is lost on some people. >_>

Edited by Fat Sow-sa
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Huge yawn for CoD 5. I'll be getting Smackdown, but only because AD is playing half and it's been a while since I properly sat down with a Smackdown game - I hate '08, the last decent one was on the PS2.

I'm obviously getting Gears this week, and I'm trying to blag Friday off work (but I worked midnight launch! Gimme a break! >_>) to play it. And at some point I'm going to find time for Dead Space and Fable. And Saints Row for the intermediate periods when I can't devote an entire evening to a big story campaign or what have you.

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