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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Just a question for anybody who can help.

Plan on getting a 360 next week for my birthday, yet haven't got a clue what's the main difference between all of them. I noticed the new arcade console, yet apparently you cant play online and so on with it? So that's out the question. And not sure if they're still selling the 20GB ones, but is there really a big difference between that and the 60GB/Elite apart from the hard drive? I'm not too bothered about how much space and so on there is, so I'd have got the arcade one, but I want to play online. So the 20GB looks the cheapest and best one for me or am I wrong in thinking that?

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You can play online with the Arcade console, but it doesn't come with the necessary cables to connect to the internet so you'd have to buy them separately. Plus you don't get a hard drive, you get a small memory unit which if you're going to be playing multiple games will fill up quite quickly I would imagine. I'm not sure the Arcade comes with an HD cable either.

There's 20GB and 60GB premium consoles, I have the 20GB but am trading it in to help purchase a 60GB one because with the new dashboard that's out next week you can install games to your hard drive to make your console run quieter and quicker. It'll be a few GBs per game, though, so if you've got a 20GB and choose to use the new feature you'll run out of space pretty quickly.

Elite consoles have 120GB hard drives I think, and they're black. And have HDMI ports (which I think the new 60GB models also have). The only reason they're dearer than the premium consoles are because they come with an HDMI cable and have twice the hard drive size.

Edited by AD
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You can play online with the Arcade console, but it doesn't come with the necessary cables to connect to the internet so you'd have to buy them separately. Plus you don't get a hard drive, you get a small memory unit which if you're going to be playing multiple games will fill up quite quickly I would imagine. I'm not sure the Arcade comes with an HD cable either.

There's 20GB and 60GB premium consoles, I have the 20GB but am trading it in to help purchase a 60GB one because with the new dashboard that's out next week you can install games to your hard drive to make your console run quieter and quicker. It'll be a few GBs per game, though, so if you've got a 20GB and choose to use the new feature you'll run out of space pretty quickly.

Elite consoles have 120GB hard drives I think, and they're black. And have HDMI ports (which I think the new 60GB models also have). The only reason they're dearer than the premium consoles are because they come with an HDMI cable and have twice the hard drive size.

Okay, so it's probably the 20GB for me then. I'm not really bothered about the HDMI stuff at all at this moment in time and I'll only be playing a few games for a while, so I don't think I'll really need the massive HD. And the 20GB one runs wireless? Also just wondering, I haven't got the best of internet connections, so if you've got an average connection, will it really effect online gaming in a terrible way which is unplayable? I'm not too bothered about the odd bit of slowness here and there, but I don't want it where all games are impossible to play online because it lags at every second of the game.

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As long as you've got broadband it should be alright, I think.

None of the consoles run wirelessly straight out of the box, you'd need to buy a wireless network adaptor which cost about £60 brand new. The premium and elite consoles both come with an ethernet cable so you can connect to the internet.

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Very odd. I received a new console from them a while back (when my first one broke). No problems. Two days ago, finished playing, turned it off, went to sleep. I tried playing yesterday. Changed the game and....

the display read:

"open tray".

I could have sworn I had a game in there. So I open it, and sure enough, there's a game there. Switched it. "Close Tray > Reading> Open tray". Afer a couple times that it wasn't reading the disc, it finally did. But there were no red lights. WTF?

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So, my Xbox just bricked and went all "Red Ring Of Death". :(

Hold me, EWB, I am so sad.


You got it like 12 hours after me, I know your pain :( We can get through this.




Come one come all! Place your bets! Who'll get their 360 back first? Ruki or SRN? Place your bets!

I'm still waiting on my e-mail for the thing to post on the box <_<..............I need a box.

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Then take it out of your avatar?


edit: Went on the site to the repair side, and it says they can't repair my console at this time?

edit 2.0: Could I buy a new Xbox, switch them out and return it, telling them "Hey...it red ringed out of the box. I want my money back." ? I should ask my roommate :shifty:


Edited by Ruki of the Wastes
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