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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Ok. So this is what we in the business call "big news." And even though it's still just speculation at this point, it's still rather stunning. The word floating around New York is that Microsoft is apparently interested in buying mega game publisher Electronic Arts, Reuters reports.

Now, this "unsubstantiated claim" will most likely remain so until for the time being, however EA's stock saw a 4 percent boost today when word of this potentially industry-shattering deal started to spread; and rightfully so. This deal would be so insanely massive and wide-reaching that I really can't even begin to wrap my head around it. I mean, EA games as Xbox exclusives? How crazy is that?!

Actually, until these unconfirmed claims get some official support, it's not worth getting too worked up over. There will be plenty of time for that if this thing actually ends up happening. And given the relationship between Microsoft and EA, specifically on the corporate side (John Schappert, Don Mattrick, Peter Moore), it might not be as unlikely as some might think. I'm currently waiting to hear back from Microsoft and EA, so I'll update if/when I hear anything.What do you think the implications would be of a Microsoft/EA merger?

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Calling that "big news" is an understatement. If Microsoft actually bought EA, it would be the biggest news in the history of video games. The entire industry landscape would change dramatically.

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I like how Slogger was on a mission to claim Halo is horrible and COD is the best for the past couple of years. Yet... here he is playing ODST. I've heard that having slutty parents makes you lose moral values and not stick to your convictions.

Anyway, Halo tonight! If we can gather a giant group to play online that would be quite fun.

I'm not allowed to try a new game?

And FYI, I found it boring.

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It wasn't boring.

It just strayed away from the Halo-esque comfort zone.

The battles didn't seem very epic, the musical score didn't help the atmosphere very much either. I admire that Bungie took a risk to make a different style game. It's easy to say ODST is boring, but the truth is very different.

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I like how Slogger was on a mission to claim Halo is horrible and COD is the best for the past couple of years. Yet... here he is playing ODST. I've heard that having slutty parents makes you lose moral values and not stick to your convictions.

Anyway, Halo tonight! If we can gather a giant group to play online that would be quite fun.

I'm not allowed to try a new game?

And FYI, I found it boring.

Oh God, this shit sandwich. It's so bad. Let me have another, please.

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BASTARD! For the second time my 360 has died with three flashing lights of death. What mkes this even more annoying is that next Friday sees the release of FIFA 10, and I have Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday off work with NO other plans than to play FIFA all weekend. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. It's come out of nowwhere too, It's not even so much as frozen once since it's last death two years ago and I was playing it fine just last night.

Again, Bastard fuck fuck fuck.

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And why are all new games $70? It makes me sad.

We have to pay atleast 100 most of the time, Think yourself Lucky.

So roughly $85 USD?

Why are international prices so much higher? Is this a media import tax? I would think a global publisher would eliminate the need for imports?

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