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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Well at least everyone gets a free theme regardless of whether or not you were one of the lucky 5000. :shifty:

Might you be down for the EWB Posse then, Summers?

Presumably we have to wait for the theme too? I'm guessing the allocation's gone, since the spalsh screen has disappeared now.

And having seen the trailer, I'm a little more tempted.

On another note, there's now an officially licensed lacrosse title available...through the indie games channel. Nifty idea for a niche sport. I've played the trial and it's pretty well done, lacks polish obviously but it's quite good fun...or will be once I get my head round the controls. Not sure I'd want to put 400 points down for it, but it's an idea that's worth supporting.

Oh, there's a Split/Second(:Velocity) demo available too.

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God bless 'Splosion Man for restoring my faith in video games last night. It's the first game I think I've played since L4D that comes with an instant level of fun involved. No learning curve, no "Oh, just give it time", just instant, endless fun.

I love a good gaming 'experience' as much as the next guy, but there's nothing like the whole plug-in-and-play factor of games like 'Splosion Man, L4D, Portal, Mirror's Edge and the ilk.

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Shame we already have our quartet for Splodey Man.

It's fun seeing Dragsy attempt to make a death defying leap, only to find himself falling into a pool of acid.

Wait, what?

Don't deny it. I have a Scot and a Yellow as witnesses.

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Split Second demo is somewhat underwhelming. Handles like shit, and whilst the powerplays are cool, once you're in front you can't use them, so you're driving around in an average racer with a full gauge that you can't make use of except for the one shortcut on the track. Seems simple enough just to hang back, draft to get your meter up, powerplay or shortcut to the front and cruise for the win.

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What kinda scratch is it? If it's a circular scratch due to the 360 being moved or bumped, might have to look around and see if there are any places, like a pawn shop or game shop, that will fix it. Otherwise you might have to trade it in with a refurbishing fee.

Also, wondering if we're ever going to try and get the million points on a song for Beatles Rock Band >>

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Yes, I still need the 1m on Beatles. Dragsy said he was thinking of borrowing it again, otherwise there's me, you, Kaney and Fitzy. Though I think Fitzy may have it already, I still demand he help us.

Also, don't know why but it seems Trials HD is on sale today for 800 rather than the usual 1200. I may have to get it, even though being succesful on it on harder difficulties is apparently near impossible.

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