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The Old Sony Megathread


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5 minutes ago, The Chiksrara Special said:

I think Square is working on an Avengers game

That is correct. I can't wait to go fishing as The Sentry. That dude is so powerful, he's gotta be able to get so many fish.

Don't forget the fast paced excitement of on-the-rails driving as Thor in the Bro-ad Trip portion of the game.

Seriously though, Square Enix is a fantastic studio and I'm excited for what they are working on. I just hope that Insomniac can continue making games. Maybe a new X-Men game is something they can look when the Disney purchase is 100% official.

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I have the MK IV suit now and love it. I can't really use these other ones that don't greatly resemble classic Spidey for too long.I think I'd like the MK III suit if the head had web marking so it didn't look like Red Hood and if the black was dark blue.

Major nostalgia going into GCT since that building is in the PS2 Spider-Man too.

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I won't be 100%. Fuck every bomb and stealth Takmaster mission. Time limit challenges in games can get fucked all across the board. They're all terrible.

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After about 6 hours of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I like it.  I don't love it like I did Tomb Raider and Rise of the Tomb Raider.  Graphics are incredible, to the point I had to double check at some points that they weren't the real actors.  Gameplay is good, you start with a good bow with the rope arrow add on.  Its just, for me, the story itself feels a bit weak..

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This review pretty much nails everything if you've never heard of Shenmue before. I still think it's a fantastic story and the game can still hold it's own nearly 20 years later. The dub is bad in places, but I find it more humorous than cringe. Highly recommend the remake.

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Hot take time.

I'm absolutely loving Spider-Man. It's a really fantastic game but some of it feels a little, I dunno, last gen. Mainly the crimes you have to stop, they're all very much the same thing over and over and the fact that there's 20 in every district is getting a little repetitive.

I can't commend the story and the general gameplay enough, it's (pun intended) spectacular and amazing in equal measure, but yeah, the crimes and the bases are a bit of a massive draw back.

I should get the platinum before mid-week, I've just started Act 3, unlocked all the suits and skills and am just clearing up the last few districts before I finish the story but it has got it's flaws.

I think it'll sit just outside of my top 5 for the year, but considering how good this year has been, that's absolutely fine.

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They make an attempt to switch things up through the four different levels of crimes in terms of combat challenge and different things to do. I think there are indeed perhaps a few too many to do per district but mostly if you're waiting until the end of the game to mop them all up, which is entirely legit. I did the thug/mask crimes as I went along but then kinda sped through the game and had to do quite a few of the others in order to 100% my districts.

That being said, I don't really know if there was a better solution. It's certainly a better fix than Spider-Man 2's system and the way that Amazing Spiderman 2 did it by punishing you for not doing the crimes the second that they came up was decidedly something that I would say fit in as an older idea.

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I'm a tad surprised there's no purse snatching crime. That's a thing you often see in Spidey comics. It'd be simple sure but every now and then needing to seeing kick some Mook in the back would be something different in there.

Oh and story spoilers...


Did anyone else realize they gave the Lizard's backstory to Doc Occ?  A brilliant scientist close to Peter tries to cure his disability and accidentally turns himself into a villian. 


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Man fuck the enforced skin at the end. Fucking hated that in Arkham too. 

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It's bullshit is what it is. You give me all these skins to play with, let me see the story unfold with the visual I want and at the climax snatch it away and go "Nah, you're gonna see it this way with our ugly suit". If I want....



Red and blue battle damaged armored Spider-Man punching Doc Occ in the face on the side of a building then I should be able to do that.

If you're going to pull that garbage you might as well not put skins in because you just ruin the point of them in the final stretch.

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Yeah, saying you'd rather have no skins at all is pretty childish, in my opinion. I didn't like the final suit tbh but it makes sense why and you can change back immediately after the fight anyway.

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