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The Old Nintendo Megathread


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completely unrelated to everything... but, apparently, Mario Party 1 wasn't released on Virtual Console due to that blistered thumbs shit, but it's not like people would even be able to use N64 controllers for the game if released, and the controllers nowadays are much safer and haven't been known to cripple people's hands...

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I hear Mario Party 9 is even more dangerous. You might fall asleep whilst playing and crack your head on a coffee table.

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I hear Mario Party 9 is even more dangerous. You might fall asleep whilst playing and crack your head on a coffee table.

So true.

Man, fuck Mario Party 9.

"Let's take out 90% of the mini-games that they will play. They'll LOVE that."


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I hear Mario Party 9 is even more dangerous. You might fall asleep whilst playing and crack your head on a coffee table.

So true.

Man, fuck Mario Party 9.

"Let's take out 90% of the mini-games that they will play. They'll LOVE that."


It's awful, but I suppose, at least they decided to take it a different route.. I mean, 1 - 8 have exactly the same ideas and all that, I mean, the mini-games are different in each, and there are small changes in each, but the idea of everyone going round together was fresh, but it just didn't go down very well.

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Was 9 the one with the mini-stars? I saw Two Best Friends Play do that for one of their Brawls.. it didn't look horrible.

9 has the mini-stars and coins, yeah. where everyone travels in one car. it's a fresh idea, it just didn't go down great.

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I'm going to be preordering Animal Crossing New Leaf this coming Tuesday, and I might also get Fire Emblem Awakening after playing the demo and finding it rather enjoyable.

Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for games to get for the 3DS (can be normal DS games as well)? This year seems to be a DS/3DS heavy year of games, while only two games on the Xbox will I definitely get (Battlefield 4 and Watchdogs; anything else I might get down the line after price drops or borrow from a friend). So wanted to see what 3DS/DS titles that have come out recently people really enjoy.

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I'm having fun with the Luigi's Mansion game. I don't get some of the references, what with it being a sequel to a Wii game, but it's fun in its own right.

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I'm having fun with the Luigi's Mansion game. I don't get some of the references, what with it being a sequel to a Wii game, but it's fun in its own right.


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That looks pretty interesting and might be the first game I try out in the Scribblenauts series.

Also, ended up getting Fire Emblem Awakening. It's pretty fun so far. I just finished Chapter 4 I believe, and it took about half an hour to get through it, then I unlocked the wireless stuff and that took me a half hour to go through and set stuff up the way I wanted. Can only imagine how much more there'll be down the line.

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You haven't even gotten to Chapter 13 yet.

Chapter 13 is when shit starts getting crazy and the game opens up and you go "OH WOW OKAY" and want to play it like fifty more times.

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My first Fire Emblem game, so it's turning out some fun. I look forward to shit hitting the fan as it gives me more to do. Downloaded a bunch of stuff from the wireless thing, basically everything except the teams I think.

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I strongly recommend the Golden Pack if nothing else as far as DLC goes; everything else you can kind of take or leave (though Smash Brethren gets you the awesome Bride class). EXPonential Growth is an extremely useful map.

And yeah, get everything from the Bonus Box. It's free items if nothing else, even if you can't use them right away. Fighting the Bonus Box teams is also a great way to earn Renown, which nets you even more cheap items. Another reason you'll want to play more than once is that Renown carries over between multiple playthroughs, so you can start a new game with a whole mess of handy bonus items totally gratis.

I'll tell you this regarding Chapter 13: build relationships. Get people married. Use the Support function to see who can get to S and plan to marry pretty much every woman in your party. You'll figure out why after Chapter 13.

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The only reason I'm not choosing the team stuff from the Bonus Box is because I tried one, and the cost to recruit them is a lot and I don't want to go into their items to find they have nothing I want/can afford and have them disappear.

I've started getting some relationships at C so far, mostly ones that seem kind of pushed by the game (Sully and Virion I think is one). Do I basically just pair people up during combat to get the option of them talking with one another in the Support section?

Luckily, I've not lost anyone in combat. That is only because whenever someone HAS died, a main character also died afterwards and forced me to restart <_<. It's probably nice that they added the casual option into the game, but I imagine going with the classic 'anyone who dies is dead for good' thing makes the game more challenging/fun.

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