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World Cup 2010 Thread

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I was just saying to Bluey last night, I've pretty much turned on Spain during this tournament. When it started I was massively pro-Spain, but they've mostly played like shit, and Capdevilla's a twat, and Torres hasn't turned up. So I've sort of gone off them. Not quite to the point where I want Germany to beat them (although Germany have been playing fantastic football), but I definitely want the Netherlands to twat them in the final.

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I don't really think it was due to bravery that Germany played so many youngsters. It was really just down to a lack of any better option.

I know they had little other choice to play them, but to play in the style they did with so many youngsters. Taking it to and destroying experienced, good teams like England and Argentina is very gutsy. It could've backfired majorly on them.

Agreed. Also bear in mind that had a similar injury crisis happened to England we'd have called up Michael Owen, Gary Neville, David Beckham (if not injured) and Jamie Carragher (oh right...) rather than taking the Germany approach of hungry U21's, and had 5-6 players injured by the knockouts.

Would've happily taken Paul Scholes mind.

Edited by Colly
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Either Germany are going to smash Spain... or Spain are going to make this match unplayable and nick a 1-0 win thanks to David Villa being GOD.

The neutral in me would want Germany to win more because they are more likely to score as many goals as they can, keeping an open game.

But I'm supporting Germany anyway so I'm a bit biased <_<

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I've supported the Dutch for the longest time now but given the way we've played and the way the Germans have played, I wouldn't mind losing to the Germans. They would be worthy winners.

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Germany don't need a lot of the ball to be dangerous - I think they had less than England and Argentina in their last two matches. But Spain are so patient and so good at keeping the ball without commiting too many men forward that I'm not sure a counterattack will work. It's a shame they haven't got Muller because he'd absolute rape Capdevilla methinks. Hopefully the guy they replace him with won't be too much of a step down. And hopefully Podolski cuts inside and makes Puyol's life a bit miserable, leaving Klose room to do what he does best.

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If I were Germany I'd seriously consider putting Podolski on the right because of Capdevilla, who is esentially heir only weak spot. Having Podloski attack him on his weaker side would only lead to great things for Germany.

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I was thinking about this match this morning and I think some people have been way too quick to call the Germans unbeatable. They lost to Serbia (Shouldn't have, but that's besides the point) and didn't play magnificent against Ghana. The thrashing of England is a bit inflated because of the total disorganization of the English for most of the match. Argentina, it was said all tournament, were very shaky in the back. With Spain the only shaky pieces have been Torres (And if he's starting again, Del Bosque might want to make a call to some movers to pack up his office) and Capdevilla. I'm expecting much more of a grinding match, and not the beautiful style that we've seen from Germany the past 2 matches. Spain pass better than anyone in the world, and doing this also keep their opponents from getting chances to score. In the end I think it all is going to come down to how much of the match David Villa gets to control. If he's creating chances for both himself and other Spanish strikers, Germany won't be able to relax in the back and as a result won't be able to set up fast goals from their strikers.

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I just need Germany to win, and then with the Cup ... and that will cap off an absolutely fanfucking tastic WC prediction set for me (EWBWC group on espn).

Is that the one with the 12 teams?

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I'm going out tonight so I'll have to catch this on iplayer when I get back. I quite fancy my chances of going the whole night without knowing the result though cause at least I won't have any stupid customers blurting it out to me this time.

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I just need Germany to win, and then with the Cup ... and that will cap off an absolutely fanfucking tastic WC prediction set for me (EWBWC group on espn).

Is that the one with the 12 teams?

Yes. You're in second.

Yeah I looked the group up- turns out there's two of them. EWB and EWBWC.

I'm not doing bad in fourth, I really really hope Nabeel wins though. :pervert:

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If this is the one against Chile, then that was a dive and a half. But fair play to him, because diving truly is an art form these days :P

I don't want the Dutch to win. I don't like the idea of the Dutch coming back to South Africa and putting their stamp on the country again. Although not like last time obviously :shifty:

Spain I would kind of like, but Germany would be acceptable as well given how they have played in the tournament. The only thing is that I kind of want something different to happen. And Spain have never won a WC. And given how that team have performed in the past, they should be somewhere near that level and win.

To be honest though, once England gets knocked out of these tournaments I lose all interest anyway :(

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It wasn't a dive. You can see the Chile's players knee clip his back foot as he's running. Neither are looking to dive or foul anywhere so it's very much something about nothing. But it wasn't a dive.

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If it's the one against Chile, it wasn't a dive:

<object style="height: 344px; width: 425px"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></object>

Was the foul deliberate? No, but he still caught him. Worth a yellow card? No, but he'd already been booked and was very lucky to get away with what should have been his second yellow card a few minutes before. Did Torres make a meal out of it? Yes, but then so does everyone when another player makes contact with them nowadays.

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I don't really think it was due to bravery that Germany played so many youngsters. It was really just down to a lack of any better option.

There was a ton of discussion on the squad, statisticly there were a bunch of players that did better in the league but are not in South Afrika. Löw just took a risk and picket a very good Team.

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