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Critically panned movies that you liked

MalaCloudy Black

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If we're going to talk about awesome critically panned films starring Tom Waits then we need to talk about Mystery Men.

Mystery Men was the balls.

Would you use a rake?

Mystery Men is amazing, and so quotable between the Sphinx, and Ben Stiller running through his alter egos before finally admitting his real name.

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If we're going to talk about awesome critically panned films starring Tom Waits then we need to talk about Mystery Men.

Mystery Men was the balls.


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Jackie Brown. For me, Tarantino's second best film. The characters are fantastic.

I wish QT would have carried on making this style of film instead of concentrating on his Grindhouse crap. Hopefully Django Unchained is a return to form.

Jackie Brown has an 86% at Rotten Tomatoes. It's criminally overlooked and I honestly think it's Tarantino's best work, but it got glowing reviews.

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Last Action Hero

Suburban Commando


Under Siege 2

Jingle All The Way

Doom isn't really one of my favorite 'panned' films but I just didn't think it was as bad as people made it out to be. I enjoyed it. Went to the theaters with a bunch of friends ready to trash it. We were fairly surprised how okay it was.

On the subject of the Matrix sequels. I am going to go onto a bit of a rant.

I was okay with Reloaded but there were some bad parts to it. Overall though I enjoyed enough to get pumped for the sequel to see it on opening day. Revolutions made me scratch my head. I don't give a shit about any of the expanded universe (I did watch the Animatrix though). The movie series is what I watched. The Wachowski Brothers tried to push this trans-media non-sense where you have to watch the movies, play the games (including a now dead MMO), read the books and the comics to get the whole story but very few people actually wanted to do that. Trans-media is fine as long as you don't force consumer to take part in it to get a good experience.

They completely ret-conned the series from being about destroying the machines to saving Zion all of a sudden. The cliff hanger at the end of Reloaded seemed tacked on for no reason other than that they needed a cliff hanger to buzz up interest. Very few of the unanswered questions paid off. They killed off a main character in probably the most anti-climatic way possible (when they had a golden opportunity to kill the same character off in the prior film with a MUCH better buildup). It completely turned me off that series.

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Isn't Cutthroat Island one of the biggest box office "flops" of all time? Never seen it but I have a soft spot for Geena Davis.

I'm looking through my film collection to see if there's much stuff that's been critically panned but my film tastes are so miserably hipster that there aren't many.

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Are you sure you're using the phrase "hipster" right? Because I could have sworn that being hipster is about being cool before it was cool or something, and movies, by their nature, have either good critic ratings or bad ones, so...

Oh, by the by, I just discovered that everybody gave No Reservations a poor review. It's got two of my favorite film actors in it - Abigail Breslin (she's been an incredible kid in films ever since Raising Helen - also worthy of a mention in this thread, I think) and Aron Eckhart (and speaking of which, Love Happens also needs to be in here). So it's a winner for me.

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Are you sure you're using the phrase "hipster" right? Because I could have sworn that being hipster is about being cool before it was cool or something, and movies, by their nature, have either good critic ratings or bad ones, so...

Oh, by the by, I just discovered that everybody gave No Reservations a poor review. It's got two of my favorite film actors in it - Abigail Breslin (she's been an incredible kid in films ever since Raising Helen - also worthy of a mention in this thread, I think) and Aron Eckhart (and speaking of which, Love Happens also needs to be in here). So it's a winner for me.

Films that only the cool kids went to see before they got famous - like Oldboy. ^_^

I do have three of the Resident Evil movies though so I'm not that cool. :shifty:

*NOT Resident Evil 2 which was horrible.

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Looking at my DVDs and naming things that haven't been said in the thread so far:

- Pretty much every Jason Statham movie.

- Club Dread. I thought this movie was hilarious but I'm convinced I'm the only one.

- The Final Destination movies. The last 2 weren't great but the first 3 were all fantastic.

- House of 1000 Corpses/The Devil's Rejects. Critics shit on House of 1000 Corpses especially, but I loved it. It's even funnier to watch it now and see how fat Chris Hardwick was.

- The Lost World. I don't get the hate for this one. It's not as good as Jurassic Park but it's pretty damn close.

- The Men Who Stare At Goats. Thought this was hilarious but critics didn't seem to like it.

- Walk Hard. The critics did like it, but this bombed in the theater and I don't understand why. It's fucking hilarious.

- Wet Hot American Summer. I can understand why because the humor isn't for everyone, but this is one of my top 5 favorite comedies.

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