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Last few minutes of today’s episode feels like the MCU channeling the Legion show from a few years ago. I liked it. The show took a turn, and I expected it since I read leaks, but I was still surprised at exactly how weird they went with it.

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Yeah the end of this episode was really interesting.


It's been hinted there was a 3rd person along with Marc and Steven. I guess we now are seeing that person. It's rather intriguing, especially because I can't be sure what we're seeing is real or if it's an illusion/dream of some kind. Lots of directions they can go with it.


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I've been very much on the fence with the series so far, but that last episode was pretty phenomenal. I have no idea how they're going to wrap everything in one more episode, I doubt they'll stick the landing because there just seems to be far too much to resolve, but Isaacs acting in that last episode definitely deserves some kind of recognition.

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Moon Knight as a show is unfortunately not the strongest. I'll hope they manage to stick the landing but there's a lot of stuff on the periphery that probably can't get tied up. However this has been the Oscar Isaac show and he's been very, very good that I can almost ignore everything else. It's a shame almost that it deals with the MCU environment to leave everything just slightly ajar since you may need to pull a thread to keep a franchise alive. This is a show that truly needs everything resolved and I doubt we'll get that.

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Yeah Moon Knight really struggled in its second half.  That was way too much to try to jam into the final 3 episodes.  Really feel like it would have benefited immensely from being an 8 episode series at the very least.

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Overall I enjoyed Moon Knight but they really could have done with maybe a feature long episode or another 2 episodes at least. Wouldn't be against them doing a second season but only one they've done that for so far has been Loki, so highly unlikely 

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Moon Knight was the best of the Disney MCU shows for me, and up there with Season 3 of Daredevil for great Marvel shows. Loved the finale. 

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This wasn’t my favorite D+ show, but it also wasn’t my least favorite. I enjoyed it, but yeah it definitely could have used another two episodes. That finale ended, and it went by QUICK. No time was wasted from the very start, but it felt like we got to this finale way too fast as well. And the post-credits stinger is great and all, but if they don’t do a Season 2, why should anyone really give a fuck? I’m not sure I, as a non-MK fan, have enough vested interest in this character I’ve seen for six episodes to care if he appears in, say, Blade.

Seeing how this series shaked out with introducing a new completely new character somewhat walled off from the wider MCU at the moment, makes me worried about Ms. Marvel and how that’ll be handled. I mean, I’m a big Kamala Khan fan, but for those that aren’t… after it ends, will these people care about her being in The Marvels and seeing how her story continues, or is it going to be like me and Moon Knight, where I need more solo series time with the character before I care?

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That has to be the weakest final episode of a Disney+ Marvel show yet. Feels like half the episode is missing. 


What the hell happened to Gaspard Ulliel's character? I was sure that he would come back as one of Harrow's henchman. Were they not finished shooting his scenes when he passed away? Or did they just write him out because his character dies as well and they thought that would be disrespectful to leave that in the show? 


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3 hours ago, Hellraiser said:

That has to be the weakest final episode of a Disney+ Marvel show yet. Feels like half the episode is missing. 

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Honestly, I'm not sure, but it's probably the latter. His IMDB page originally credited him with more episodes than just the one he appeared in, so that would be my assumption, too. 


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1 hour ago, ThrillhouseMAX said:
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Honestly, I'm not sure, but it's probably the latter. His IMDB page originally credited him with more episodes than just the one he appeared in, so that would be my assumption, too. 


I'm sure there were more plans for him down the line possibly as Midnight Man, but yeh, I guess they may have re-edited after he passed?

Overall, as a big MK fan, I really enjoyed it but agreed for such a grand storytelling of a character and backdrop, it could have done with another 2 episodes to flesh it out a little more. Oscar Isaac just smashed it and I'm really hoping we get season 2 down the line that gets 10-12 episodes to really explore him more.

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I dunno.  He passed in February, but shooting went from March-November 2021.  I would think, by the time he passed away, the series would've been edited and in the can to be shown.

I think its more likely they just left his fate ambiguous in order to maybe bring him back in the future, but sadly that won't happen

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6 hours ago, Lint said:

I dunno.  He passed in February, but shooting went from March-November 2021.  I would think, by the time he passed away, the series would've been edited and in the can to be shown.

I think its more likely they just left his fate ambiguous in order to maybe bring him back in the future, but sadly that won't happen

I did some googling and found a reddit post on that matter and in in the replies someone links to interviews with the cast and crew in which director Mohamed Diab mentioned that he only directed a few scenes with Ulliel and Oscar Isaac says that he worked with him on set for 2 or 3 days. So it really was just a one-off appearance by the looks of it. 

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I'm not sure whether this should have been a movie or been a show with more episodes to really flesh everything out. Either way what we got felt a tad sloppy. Especially since you still wound up with the same CG battle conclusion you always get with a Marvel show. 


The gravity of Mark's trauma just never hit. We spent too much time on the dichotomy between he and Steven, introduced other characters who never got developed, and had a villain with motivations that were rather bland and expected.

And this hinting at a third personality nested under Mark and Steven really went nowhere until the *very* end and, hey, looks like that guy is a stone Cold heartless killer.

Oscar Isaac did all the lifting to get this to the finish line, but nothing else really came along with him. I don't think we get a sequel but I assume since it's Marvel that Moon Knight shows up somewhere in the future.


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I'm glad I ended up sticking with it because episode 5 was great and distinctive, it had this urgency that made it gripping and felt like what a Moon Knight series should've been about. Honestly, think this should've been a movie, or a shorter, more focused series.

I think it only remotely starts to pick up around episode 4, then it peaks with ep 5 and the finale is standard fare. 

Oscar Isaac is obviously great. I'll look forward to him turning up in the future. Overall this felt pretty uneven, but at least there was a standout episode in there, which hasn't always been the case for the other shows. 

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I don't think that Moon Knight felt like it did enough on its own to be as separated from the MCU as it was.

I didn't hate it. I was entertained and it was fun, but we finished the finale last night and I just sat there thinking about how if I didn't watch it, I don't think I would have really missed anything other than a terrific performance from Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke.

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