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EWR 2013 Stats Update: October ***PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS***

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I was reading this and one suggested change made me laugh.

Eddie Osbourne is a lightweight(211 lbs). Change finishers to Final Impact(Impact) and Fujiwara Armbar(Submission). Raise wages to 8000. Check high spots

I have no idea where this info is from, but Eddie is absolutely not a lightweight. The rest is fine, but he is well over 230lbs.

Beg to differ my friend: http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=7473

Yeah, it's not like Cecil Nyx personally knows him or anything :/

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Don't be stupid, of course Cagematch is a more reliable source than someone who's actually met the guy.

Hey fusion, why don't you tell Azazel what his stats should be while you're at it because you clearly fucking know better.

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arwrestling gets it. Anybody who has had training of any kind(Boxing, Sumo, Sambo, Jiu-jitsu, MMA, anything along those lines) but not actually gotten into the cage for an actual fight deserves shooting.

Why? What purpose does it serve in the game?

Someone who wrestled in high school or college is no more likely to work for an MMA company that I'm likely to play Premiership Football because I was on my high school football team. Apply some common sense, and think about what the stat means in the game, not about what your definition of "shooting" is.

As has been repeated ad nauseum, the "shooting" option only applies to whether or not Pride will hire that worker. Anything else is irrelevant.

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He sure put the nix on Cecil.

(I have been waiting for a chance to say that for months. :shifty: )

This is pretty ridiculous, though. Someone has told you the in-game implications of a stat, so I think it's fair to say that's worth paying attention to. It's impossible to say "well shooting ability is supposed to reflect _________" when somebody is telling you exactly what shooting ability does in-game. EWR isn't a Totally Accurate Real-World Wrestling Simulator; it's a video game about wrestling, and snakesonaplane has clearly and repeatedly (and with the patience of fucking Job at this point) told you the implications of this particular part of the video game.

Let me pose a serious question to you: what are the real implications of giving, for example, Eric Bischoff Shooting Ability in the game? Virtually no gimmicks rely on it, and it affects hiring practices of one touring Japanese promotion. It beggars belief that people can't understand this.

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What are you talking about? This is the October update thread.

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arwrestling gets it. Anybody who has had training of any kind(Boxing, Sumo, Sambo, Jiu-jitsu, MMA, anything along those lines) but not actually gotten into the cage for an actual fight deserves shooting.

So by this logic, because he was good enough to win the Golden Gloves, Roddy Piper should have shooting.

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For me "shooting" should be given to former martial arts guys - mma, jiu jitsu, boxing, kickboxing and so on. And about that attribute being linked only to guys who can compete in UFC like promotion - who thought that Batista will fight in a MMA match 5-6 years ago? So everything can happen and just because the shooting attribute in game is for Pride it doesn't mean that we should close our eyes when someone is a former boxer or karate specialist and so on... And about the thing that "shooting" is not requested for any gimmicks I would like to give a "legitimate athlete" gimmick to someone with "shooting" not just to a random guy because it looks more real like that. :)

About the game again I'm suggesting to be raised the charisma of AJ Syles by 2(from 82 to 84) and also Magnus could have some of his stats raised since he was lowered a bit too much... Jessie Godderz technical should be around Robbie E's and Robbie can have a charisma raise up to 78(+5). Both Bro Mans overness should be raised.

Paul Heyman charisma should be 100.

The Wyatts(Rowan and Harper) can have some stats raised since the WWE officials are high on their wrestling skills.

Edited by s-p
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And about the thing that "shooting" is not requested for any gimmicks I would like to give a "legitimate athlete" gimmick to someone with "shooting" not just to a random guy because it looks more real like that. :)

EWR is just a game. You can change Emma's gimmick to Legitimate Athlete and pretend she's a hard-nosed former NFL linebacker (who dances of course), and the game won't stop you. It can be as real or as fake as you want. You're FREE, s-p!

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Look, let's just break this down in real terms right now:

The only thing 'shooting ability' does is determine whether or not someone can work for PRIDE.

No one in the current database can work for PRIDE because it no longer exists.

Therefore, untick the 'shooting ability' box for every single worker.

Problem solved!

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Look, let's just break this down in real terms right now:

The only thing 'shooting ability' does is determine whether or not someone can work for PRIDE.

No one in the current database can work for PRIDE because it no longer exists.

Therefore, untick the 'shooting ability' box for every single worker.

Problem solved!

I have the best solution! Just leave it ticked for who has it, and don't bother ticking it for anyone else in the future since the stat is completely useless in game now. Why argue or put a ton of work into something that does absolutely nothing what so ever?

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