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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Motherfuck, those files are huge... I only have about 7.5 gigs left (thanks Rock Band!), so no dice for me. I'm gonna have to spring for the 120gb hard drive whenever I have money sometime.

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I've installed Burnout Paradise for poops and giggles, can't see myself ever using the installations properly since my HDD is tiny. But still, this is so weird! I'm playing 360 and my disc drive doesn't sound like a jet engine. Intro video seems a little choppy though.

I got a notification that other people on my friends list were playing too (shout out to Boogey :shifty:) , didn't know about the feature.

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I've installed Burnout Paradise for poops and giggles, can't see myself ever using the installations properly since my HDD is tiny. But still, this is so weird! I'm playing 360 and my disc drive doesn't sound like a jet engine. Intro video seems a little choppy though.

I got a notification that other people on my friends list were playing too (shout out to Boogey :shifty:) , didn't know about the feature.

That's odd, I didn't get that notification. :(

My Xbox has been freezing like a bitch, especially when I'm going back and forth between the Avatar friends list, such a pain in the ass. Other than that, it's nifty. Putting a game on the hard drive didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would and now my Xbox doesn't sound like it's about to 'splode.

They finally have my monitors screen res supported(1680x1050) but now the in-game blades menu is blurry as hell and some menu text is slightly pixelated. Should I have the widescreen bars if the screen res is set to what my widescreen monitor is?

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I guess it only comes up when you start the game and people are playing.

And everything was fine this morning, I blame the yanks for this freezing stuff.

Edited by Fat Sow-sa
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Har har, I knew the Elite was a wise investment. Although I have been rather annoyed at the lack of real use for the space up until now. I realise they're scared of piracy and stuff, but letting me store music and videos on my hard drive should not be too big of a problem.

Not a massive fan of the NXE, it may jsut be growing pains while I work out where everything is. I do like the new Guide though, and being able to remove 0 Gamerscore games from your history is oddly satisfying.

I will say that I despise the Avatar thing, the 360 is generally not the domain of the casual gamer, and these little dress up dolls aren't going to change that. I'm amazed Nintendo hasn't tried to sue, given that the faces and hair look exactly the same (thank God there's some decent customisation options for these avatars though). I think I'm more annoyed that I'm sure I read various times that the whole Avatar feature was entirely optional, and yet the very first thing it wanted me to do was set up a character. Weak.

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Theres talk (on gamefaqs mind you) that it work as long as any disc is in the system. Probably bullshit, but if it isn't I'd expect microsoft to patch the fuck out of that sharpish.

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If it's true I may need to switch over to a 120gb harddrive :shifty:

Also, how exactly would you transfer a save file from one hard drive to another?

The 120gb hard drive comes with a transfer cable. It's a one time, one use transfer that only goes from a 20gb to a 120gb and then as far as I know, the cable is useless.

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Theres talk (on gamefaqs mind you) that it work as long as any disc is in the system. Probably bullshit, but if it isn't I'd expect microsoft to patch the fuck out of that sharpish.

If I'm to believe the hundreds of replies to those topics, yea, I'd say it's complete bullshit.

I don't have the temerity to sit through most gamefaqs threads so I read the first three posts and moved on. Well done reading that many replies though.

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