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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Can anybody help me out with some mic trouble? Got my 60GB today and you get the free shitty headset with it, which is good enough for me. Yet it doesn't seem to work. Plugged it into the control, went on Smackdown and yet I cant hear anybody. It has the little speaker symbol next to my character when playing, yet I don't know if they can hear me, but I certainly cant hear them. Am I doing something wrong? Just cant imagine they'd supply a broken headset out of the blue like that, well I'm hoping they haven't. And when you flick the piece up and down, does green mean on and red mute? Obviously tried them both and still nothing, as well as fiddling about with the volume too. Dodgy connection? Something I can do to sort it out or test it?

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That's the problem, I only brought it yesterday so I have no other control or headset. I just find it weird that as soon as I open it up and try it, it doesn't work. At points I can sort of hear that swishy sound you get in a headphone when it's plugged in but nothings playing, but when playing a game I just don't hear a thing. I don't really want to go out and buy a new headset to find out that it does the same thing or that nothing was wrong with this one. I dunno, it's no big deal as it's just a cheap headset, but it's a bit annoying when I know it's brand new and there's surely nothing wrong with it.

EDIT: Just tested it with messaging and it's not the headset as I recorded myself and could hear it fine. Yet I then go onto Smackdown and cant hear any of them and haven't got a clue if they can hear me. Is there something I'm doing wrong with the online gaming stuff? I don't see why it'd work fine outside of online, yet I cant hear a thing on Smackdown?

ANOTHER EDIT: Okay, so I finally managed to have it working in a triple threat match online where one guy was speaking with me. It worked fine, then afterwards I go to another match, this time a four way and I cant hear a thing again. Is there some sort of way to allow to hear people if there's more than one talker or is it different in four ways or something? It worked fine in the triple threat, yet nothing in a tag or four way match, so it's clearly not my headset or anything, which is weird.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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Yeah, try it with a bunch of different games, or even just in the new party thing with a couple of friends. Make sure the volume wheel is set right (you wouldn't believe how many people (2!) I've had trying to return a headset because they can't hear anything and it turns out the volume's turned way down). It might also be your NAT settings on your router, but I think that generally affects your connection rather than your voice chat (Ellis or Will might be able to clear that up, I'm sure they've both mentioned having NAT issues before).

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If it worked during that one match are you sure that in the matches it didn't work the people you're playing against just haven't got their microphones on? Not everyone bothers with them, especially on SVR and sports games and against the 'cheap' players.

Well it has the little speaker icon next to their name, so I'm guessing it's on?

Yeah, try it with a bunch of different games, or even just in the new party thing with a couple of friends. Make sure the volume wheel is set right (you wouldn't believe how many people (2!) I've had trying to return a headset because they can't hear anything and it turns out the volume's turned way down). It might also be your NAT settings on your router, but I think that generally affects your connection rather than your voice chat (Ellis or Will might be able to clear that up, I'm sure they've both mentioned having NAT issues before).

Yeah I've checked the volume wheel and everything, all turned up to the full. As I said, works fine with this one guy who I've had a few matches with now and talked to for a while, so it's certainly not the headset. Maybe people just aren't using their headsets but have them on or something, just it's weird that I've tried it in a few matches yet none of them are hearable, but the weirder thing is that it's always in the four people matches, yet the triple threat was when it worked fine. Not sure about the NAT stuff, haven't got much of a clue about that stuff. Maybe it's just some weird thing and I'm being a fool and they just aren't using their headsets or something, just came across as weird. I'd try it with another game but I've only got the one game until I buy a few next week.

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Speaker means the headset is connected. Speaker with a line through means they're on mute or you can't hear them due to connection problems I think. Speaker with audio 'lines' coming from it means they're talking/breathing too close to the microphone/adjusting the headset so it makes a horrible noise when they could have just muted it.

Edited by AD
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Is it worth installing games to run from the console? I'm installing Fallout 3 but I just want to know if A) it runs better and B) how much memory it takes up?

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NHL 09 is evil, nine times out of ten I can't hear AD (which is weird, because I can hear Dragsy) or Slogger.
I can hear everyone but you, Which sucks because most of the time we are on defense together.
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