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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I'm on Chapter 9 of Dead Space but LoveFilm just sent out Fallout 3 and I'm really dying to play it, thing is, I know if I start playing it Dead Space will be tossed aside like a used condom. I like Dead Space but it is far too repetitive in nature to keep me interested for long periods of time and if Fallout 3 is as brilliant as it looks then I won't be able to look at Dead Space the same way again.

The fact that my main problem in life is having too many video games to play is both relieving and pathetic.

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I'm on Chapter 9 of Dead Space but LoveFilm just sent out Fallout 3 and I'm really dying to play it, thing is, I know if I start playing it Dead Space will be tossed aside like a used condom. I like Dead Space but it is far too repetitive in nature to keep me interested for long periods of time and if Fallout 3 is as brilliant as it looks then I won't be able to look at Dead Space the same way again.

The fact that my main problem in life is having too many video games to play is both relieving and pathetic.

How the fuck do you rent games with LoveFilm? I opened an account and everything, it didn't mention game accounts at all, next thing I know I'm on an account that you cant get games for or some shit and cant even change it.

Also, not only did GTA crash twice today, but Smackdown just crashed online again. Picture just freezes. I press the guide button, I hear that little noise it makes but nothing comes up and I cant do shit. It's crashed about three or four times online now and it's starting to worry me, because I've had the console literally five days. I'm not bothered if it's the fact that I'm online or maybe the console is a bit overheated and decides to crash, I just need reassuring that it's not the actual console itself that's fucked already. Is it a bad idea to have the console on for a lot of hours a day? I mean I played it for about six/seven hours straight, but if that means it's getting overheated and crashing, I'm still a bit pissed because I didn't want to pay 200 quid for something I can play for a limited amount of time. That said, I'll be relifed if it is just over heating and not my console. Anybody had anything like this with a more newish console?

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Also, not only did GTA crash twice today, but Smackdown just crashed online again. Picture just freezes. I press the guide button, I hear that little noise it makes but nothing comes up and I cant do shit. It's crashed about three or four times online now and it's starting to worry me, because I've had the console literally five days. I'm not bothered if it's the fact that I'm online or maybe the console is a bit overheated and decides to crash, I just need reassuring that it's not the actual console itself that's fucked already. Is it a bad idea to have the console on for a lot of hours a day? I mean I played it for about six/seven hours straight, but if that means it's getting overheated and crashing, I'm still a bit pissed because I didn't want to pay 200 quid for something I can play for a limited amount of time. That said, I'll be relifed if it is just over heating and not my console. Anybody had anything like this with a more newish console?

Unless you see the red rings there's probably nothing seriously wrong with your console. Probably just overheating or your discs have some marks on them or something. Clean them up as best you can with something like a glasses cloth, then if the problem persists see if you can take them to a Gamestation and use their disc cleaner for a couple of quid. Also make sure your console isn't boxed in or anything, I've never had any trouble with overheating but I've always had my console on a shelf that has no back so the air can get to it. The online crashing could even be down to the internet connection, rather than something wrong with the console or disc.

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I'm on Chapter 9 of Dead Space but LoveFilm just sent out Fallout 3 and I'm really dying to play it, thing is, I know if I start playing it Dead Space will be tossed aside like a used condom. I like Dead Space but it is far too repetitive in nature to keep me interested for long periods of time and if Fallout 3 is as brilliant as it looks then I won't be able to look at Dead Space the same way again.

The fact that my main problem in life is having too many video games to play is both relieving and pathetic.

How the fuck do you rent games with LoveFilm? I opened an account and everything, it didn't mention game accounts at all, next thing I know I'm on an account that you cant get games for or some shit and cant even change it.

In the my account section under Subscription it says:


*Your price plan* Change Cancel

Go to change and it'll have a list of the different plans they have, I'm currently on Combination 9.99

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Regarding chipping 360s, as far as I know, chipping itself isn't illegal. It'll void your warranty, but it's not against the law. But I'm fairly certain there's some sort of fair usage policy for Live and modifying your hardware breaks that, and they're well within their rights to do something like that. They're not seizing your console, they're not calling the police, but they are protecting their interests and the interests of other gamers using Live, so tell your boss or friend or whoever to go fuck himself and quit being a whiny cheapskate. Tried to beat the system and failed, tough shit.

I get surprised at the number of people who come into Gamestation asking us to chip their consoles and stuff, do you go to HMV and ask for them to burn a new CD for you, too? (not exactly the same hting, but Ellis won't let me post in here without bitching about customers anymore)

Street Fighter is supposed to be better with the new green controller and its new 16-direction d-pad tech. I'll give the trial a whirl with both new and old pads and report back. I doubt I'll be stumping up 1200 points just for some new sprites and backgrounds, that's awful.

Also, Sonic Unleashed looks wank.

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Also, Sonic Unleashed looks wank.

Yes, it does. Then again, Sonic Team haven't made a quality Sonic game in.. a long fucking time. It's kind of sad, BioWare made a better Sonic game. :(

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Legit question. Why the fuck would Microsoft be scanning for that shit?

It's not illegal.

They know it's not illegal, that's why they aren't sending the police round to your door. If you modify your hardware then they have the right to ban you from Live. That's the agreement you make with Microsoft when you buy the console so they're entitled to do it. Why would they do it? It's pretty obvious - to try and deter people from chipping. Maybe your friend will get pissed off, but maybe some of his friends or the people that read this thread will be pushed away from chipping. He should suck it up - he cheated, he got caught, that's how it goes.

He'll just get rid of his X-box now and get a PS3 :)

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