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The Old XBOX Megathread


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On another note, since the upgrade to the boards the spoiler tags in the Wii/PSN/XBL aren't working, thus I can't retrieve any of the usernames for the online networks..halp!?

I know not many people will still bother with this thread anymore but I fixed this problem.

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Redring!!!! crying.gif Is there anything I can do?

For a more serious answer: call Microsoft, give them all the info they need, they will e-mail you something to print off within 24 hours. In those 24 hours, find a coffin box, put only the console in, no cords or harddrive.

Then, once you print off the thing they send, take it to UPS, wait 2-6 weeks, and bam! Xbox for you, plus a month of Gold.

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I have it downloaded even though I have very little idea as to what it is. Something about robots. I remember some web advertising about it a few months ago.

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Downloading Section 8 now, from what it says you can call in vehicle deliveries, which I guess means you can spawn tanks on people's heads, right? I certainly hope so, anyway.

Dirt 2 demo is good. It's basically Grid on, well, dirt. But having not played the original Dirt, I'm guessing Grid is really just dirt on tarmac.

Shadow Complex is fun, I will buy on Monday. I seem to remember reading that it's made by Chair? It certainly shares a certain aesthetic with Undertow, which I also really enjoyed.

Anyone up for the Lost Planet co-op demo later?

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