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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I heard double XP is for all playlists.

Where the fuck did the Twitter button go? I was going to use it just for the sake of it. Oh well, from fourtwozero's twitter:

Right now it's only on the new map playlists, but later today we'll be integrating the maps and double XP into all playlists.
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I thought you said you weren't going to get it because it's a Tower Defense and there's a million free ones? :shifty:

Oh come on, why pay attention to that one thing I said? I will give the trail a go, if it's good I will buy. I assume there's some multiplayer aspect to it?

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Not so much competitive I don't think, just you can have 4 players co-cooperatively with each of you controlling on of Stan, Kyle, Cartman or Kenny. I assume you can pick some other characters too or at least unlock them.

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Just Cause 2 arrived today. Played it for 3 hours straight, first getting the starting missions done and then afterward just free-roaming. The game is fuckin' HUGE, biggest area I've ever seen and it doesn't even suffer from frame rate drops and trees don't fade away from a long distance etc. It's the most unique world ever, there are little villages, camps, cities everywhere and extremely detailed. You can do the craziest shit, pinning people onto walls, hijacking planes, free falling and mid-free fall hook onto a plane and enter. It's truly the ultimate sandbox game at the moment. Just pure fun, because the missions aren't amazing, the voice acting is cheesy and the shooting system can be a bit awkward but who cares, I just want to blow shit up in a beautiful world :w00t: It even has a LOST island, hatch and all :lmao:

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I finally got back into playing games after taking a bit of a break. I hopped on Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for a couple hours today and got in the fighting spirit. I ended up purchasing Super Turbo II HD Remix because of the sale. I like it and all but man I cannot play with the XBOX controller. I played through the arcade mode then hopped online and didn't win a single match which wasn't surprising at all.

I also downloaded the Blur multiplayer beta demo. I saw some videos of the game on Giantbomb and it looked sort of neat so I decided to check it out. I've always been a fan of vehicular combat games. It's pretty fun, spent about an hour with it. I get that it's a demo but considering how close it is to the game coming out (May), I hope they beef it up a little. Not much music during the race plus the sound effects are pretty "blah". The gameplay is great though. The cars handle nicely and you get a really nice variety of weapons. Plus once you rank up you can mod your car a little.

With Split/Second also coming out (which I hope they do a demo for as well) it seems like an odd time to do a racing game. Not to mention May is jam packed with big releases (Skate 3, UFC 2010, Red Dead Redemption, Alan Wake, Lost Planet 2, and bunch others). I have three of those games pre-ordered so adding in another one like a Blur or Split/Second is pretty expensive. I really do hope Split/Second is good though. To be honest I sort of wish they combined Split/Second and Blur so you have the crazy action sequences of S/S plus the weapons of Blur. You could have done an awesome sort of modern Twisted Metal.

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Probably not initially. Not getting UFC right off the bat either.

I don't start working until May and I need to save money, so I'm only looking to get Red Dead, Green Day Rock Band and Dead Rising 2 right away.

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Oh I wish I could get it when it first comes out, playing with 4 people on the mega ramps was a blast, but Red Dead wins the month of May for me.

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Picking it up in June, then?

And yes! The mega-ramp was awesome! It was such as blast doing those challenges....there were some only you could do, some only I could do, some only Dragsy could.....god, that was great. but when the demo is out next week, we shall multi the hell out of it!

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