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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Anyone know how the fuck to cancel subscriptions on Xbox One? They seem to have made it impossible. I want to cancel Game Pass as I don't use it.

I go into settings > subscriptions and can see what I'm subscribed to but there is no way to manage or remove them. 

Any ideas? 

A quick Google tells me to go through the My Games Apps > Manage subscriptions but I can't see anything there at all. 

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It's actually not frustrating to die in this game! At least, I don't think so, and I get frustrated with games really easily. I've taken the deaths as learning experiences thusfar, problems I can solve by switching the weapons up depending on which portion of which stage I'm on.

I like Polygon's review of it.

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Cuphead is really great though I'd suggest re-mapping the default controls to something that suits you as all the actions are mapped to the face buttons and I found juggling things a bit tricky, especially in the Run and Gun stages. I'm finding dash on LT and shoot on RT is working good since I can just keep RT pressed down as I go about my business. 

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I might map staying in place and shooting to LT come to think about it... agreed about the dash being on Y. I actually kind of forgot it was there.

But I'm with GoGo when it comes to dying a million times. The levels are short enough that when you complete them after knowing everything they're only a couple of minutes... so you are constantly learning and the game is actually showing you how far you get in the levels and boss fights so you can see real progression. 

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