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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I'm just gonna put this in here for anyone who cares. If you are a cheapskate like me, then there is a solution.

Tropicana are doing some sort of giveaway, but as part of the deal they give you a free 48-Hour XBox Live Gold Trial. It basically generates a code for you to redeem if you lose the game. You can play it as often as you want, no worries. Works perfectly. I'm gonna use it to test out Live for a monthish then if I like it enough, I may purchase live.


Register there and go on from there.

My Tag or whatever it's called is AmitaiW.

Hope some people get some fun from that.

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You fuckers need to stop with your Call of Duty and Rock band gayness.
Call of Duty is the best FPS game out there, Don't blame us for you not getting it.
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Jesus fucking Christ we get it you like CoD4, now go play it in the corner and shut up talking about it all the time before I force you to watch me and the rest of EWB gang rape your mother until her vagina bleeds.

'kay, I'm done.

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