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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Tried Rock Band.. eh. It's just the same as Guitar Hero was, something that we all talked about as being frigging awesome! Yeah let's go play Guitar Hero! But... then.. about an hour or so later... eh, what else is there to do? It lasts such a short time and it seems like every time that we play, it goes shorter and shorter... meh.

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We should all play Halo 3 again. I haven't played that in like a month.

You'd have to tear Slogger and Kou off CoD4 first.

I'm up for anything, I've wanted to see how my upgraded connection would fare in Halo 3 anyway, BTW i joined Kulex's private game the other night and went something like 6 and 1 before my connection fucked up due to BXL fucking up.
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Live has been completely fucked since Christmas

They'll be giving us all free Xbox Live Arcade games as an apology though (Y)

What pisses me off is that my roommate is in the other room playing on Live, but I can't. And I did Test Connection, and it is indeed Xbox Live that is not working. How can we be on the same router, and Live works for him, but not me? Is it luck of the draw? And I don't want their stupid Arcade games, I want what I'm paying for. They should give us free weeks of gaming. All I have heard about for years is how great XBox Live is and as soon as I get it, it crashes. Bogus.

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So, I got DSL Thursday, and I've been playing Halo nonstop. I haven't really seen any of you guys online besides Kou who is usually playing CoD3.

That's because you have to add us as friends before you can see our status, I know for a fact that Ample, Slogger, Frisky, and I are on all the time.

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I don't conisder Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Karaoke Revoulition, or any other "game" that fits under that umbrella as games because they're more along the lines of simulators. Just my opinion, no need to bust one on your keyboard.

I think the point is that (almost) every single game ever is a simulator. CoD is a war-time soldier simulator. The only reason people like Fe get annoyed is because people tend to get a really snooty attitude about games like GH when it's usually not justified.

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