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The Old XBOX Megathread


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My Live subscription just ended so I'm using this time to play through the games I have backed up that I didn't beat. I just played through Half-Life 2, HL2:Episode 1, HL2:Episode 2 and Portal. Portal was very satisfying and Half Lifes only let down was the annoying driving, especially with the last chapter of Episode 2 and those Godamn Hunters/Striders.

I still have to play through:

Rainbow Six Vegas


Assassins Creed

Burnout Paradise

Lost Odyssey(I'm leaving this one to last so I can put enough time into it without being tempted by one of the other games and then not wanting to go back to it)

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It didn't have a problem with you playing Pocket Bike Racer

Great, now you've upset The King. Don't come crying to me when he's lingering over your bed at sunrise with a BK Meatnormous Breakfast Sandwich.

And on a totally unrelated note, remember, with the recent news on GTA4's awesome multiplayer modes, don't forget to add your gamertag here so I can put it in the first post. And if you're not on XBL yet, hurry the fuck up.

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So, Slogger's a massively annoying prick with all the charm and charisma of Adolf Hitler after he killed the Jews.


So, Be's a massively annoying prick that sticks his nose into matters that doesn't concern him.


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