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The Innkeepers

Another slow-burner from Ti West, but I liked it better than House of the Devil. Good scares, creepy vibe, some great laughs and Sara Paxton is absolutely fantastic. I'd love for her to be the new Scream Queen.


Oh wow, a horror movie with normal looking people, I don't think I've ever seen one of those before. Movie takes a weird turn and its ultra low budget keeps it from really exploring its grand idea, but it made me scared to go back to sleep after getting up to pee, which is a good quality for a horror movie to have.

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Horrible Bosses was hilarious.

Let's see, last night;

Rise of the Planet of the Apes; fan-fucking-tastic. Ceasar was awesome.

RED; proper good fun. Willis his awesome self.

Today; New Year's Eye: I really liked it. Solid romcom. I do like these films. Really enjoyed it.

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Almost went to see NYE in the cinema, but despite protests to the contrary from my girlfriend, I saw a trailer and thought it looked like a sack of shit. I don't hate all RomCom's though, so Summ, to appease Jouzabel, what other romcom can you compare it to? Love Actually?

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I want to see a film like New Year's Eve/Valentine's Day: 18 Mary Sue characters played by Hollywood's richest and most "well-loved" celebrities, all on the poster in cute little squares. But it's a horror film.

Jon Bon Bovi choked to death by his own intestines in the first five minutes. Now that's a film I want to see.

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Just found and watched Street Thief on Netflix. It's a "documentary" that people questioned it's authenticity or even if it's at least a reenactment of the life of the film makers. I really enjoyed it for what it was.

I think he faked his death and that is the only reason he allowed the documentary crew to follow him

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I want to see a film like New Year's Eve/Valentine's Day: 18 Mary Sue characters played by Hollywood's richest and most "well-loved" celebrities, all on the poster in cute little squares. But it's a horror film.

Jon Bon Bovi choked to death by his own intestines in the first five minutes. Now that's a film I want to see.

You shut your whore mouth! That man is a saint! :angry:

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Isn't the point of The Thing that is it is "a thing" and that is the best explanation for it and nobody really knows what the hell is going on? Sometimes I'd much rather be kept in the dark then some sort of hokey explanation; it is part of the suspense.

Maybe not what it is then, but what it wants or... something. I dunno. I still liked it either way. The ending was great, setting up for the entrance to the first film.

Knowing "what it wants" would be even worse - I haven't seen the new film, but the lack of explanation is what makes the original really chilling. It's a viral alien lifeform, it's not going to give us a Bond villain speech about its motivations. It's something completely beyond our understanding. And that's fucking scary. It would be like asking Lovecraft what Cthulu "wanted", what his motivation was. It doesn't matter.

Also, best thing about the original film is that;

The "mad" Norwegians at the start are apparently shouting "Get the hell outta there. That's not a dog, it's some sort of thing! It's imitating a dog, it isn't real! GET AWAY YOU IDIOTS!!" in Norwegian.

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I suppose you're right. I don't know, in Alien we knew that it was doing this to survive and that didn't make it any less scary. I guess my problem comes more from the prequel than the original, where (and I can't remember if this happens in the original):

You see that it has a huge ship, which it can work. It's trying to escape. It has crazy technology. It's just like... well, fuck, if it was just trying to escape the whole time, why is it killing everyone and impersonating them?

I guess that's probably the problem most had with the prequel, it opens up more questions past "What is it" and kind of hints about what it wants to do. Still a decent film, though.

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I Am Comic. Splendid stuff. I love tales of the neurosis and construction of comedy and this is awesome simply for the task of going through all walks of comedic life to explain that construction.

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