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The Old Sony Megathread


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This is annoying as I can't add credit and buy Retro City Rampage. I went to do it on Wednesday, but it was showing as free (I figured PS+ deal or something), and spent my credit on Oddworld and Invizimals. Went to play RCR and of course, I'd downloaded a trial (no mention of a trial on the purchase page, mind), got more credit to purchase and the servers are down. Brilliant.

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"Incorporate the PS Move into the controller". THEN WHAT WAS THE SIXAXIS ALL ABOUT?!

Cripes. They want Microsoft to take my money. And if the online community migrates over to the next Box, I'm joining them.

Though, watch: MS will announce the Kinect will have a new holographic touchpad that takes your blood pressure, scans your brain waves and puts political ads directly into your bloodstream. Because I can't just play a goddamned game anymore, I have to be immersed in it.

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Okay so I just finished the story of Far Cry 3.

There's two possible endings it seems. I'm not going into details without spoilering it, so before I post my reaction, I chose the option on the right.


I guess they wanted an actual "bad" ending and not have Jason live as the ruler of the people or whatever but... what was the entire fucking point of all that if you were just going to kill Jason in the end? You couldn't just have sex via visionquest like the first time? Moreover, even accepting the fact that they aren't exactly the Rakyat aren't exactly the most scientifically advanced society, but surely they know better than to just assume pregnancy from sex while the woman is still in her goddamn afterglow. Perhaps maybe... make sure you're carrying before going all stabbity? Or, maybe keep him around for more offspring? Guys who go from tourists to Rambo in what's seemingly about a month's time don't come very often, why waste all that messiah juice?

Making you kill your friends instead of just leaving them to go back to America at least makes some sense, as a proof of loyalty etc... the rest of it, well, even if it was going according to ancient customs it's STILL a case of Lawful Stupid and justifies the Rakyat being cornered into one small village and one temple that's an entire kilometer away from said village with absolutely no territory in between when you first come across them..

And why didn't the foreshadowing of Dennis betraying you go anywhere? Or is that in the other ending?

It's not something that completely ruins the game for me, but man, there's like fifty different ways they could have had a "bad ending" and it would have made more sense.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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I'm not looking forward to efforts to curb second-hand game purchases. It was only a matter of time I suppose. The integration of touch screen, Kinect/Move, and other things that use modern technology I can handle but I can't afford new games as is.

Most importantly though. It seems like the games I like are being weeded out in favor of those that use technology to the max sadly, that's what really worries me about the future gen. Though the Vita and 3DS seem to be where those games have migrated to. I might wind up as a handheld/PC gamer depending what changes are made with 720 and PS4

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Talking of FC3, I got the platinum yesterday. (H)

Did you do the other ending? If so, what happens?

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If you like the game, I'd say it is a good investment. It is basically more of the same - more over the top characters, more weapons, more missions. I bought the seasons pass but I don't know if I would be willingly to invest in the DLC if I had to pay the full price for every add on.

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I dig all the DLC. I've never really been huge on Borderlands but I've been playing 2 a lot with a friend and he has the season pass, and we've had fun in all of the DLC campaigns.

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I'm not looking forward to efforts to curb second-hand game purchases. It was only a matter of time I suppose. The integration of touch screen, Kinect/Move, and other things that use modern technology I can handle but I can't afford new games as is.

Most importantly though. It seems like the games I like are being weeded out in favor of those that use technology to the max sadly, that's what really worries me about the future gen. Though the Vita and 3DS seem to be where those games have migrated to. I might wind up as a handheld/PC gamer depending what changes are made with 720 and PS4

I presume the online pass type stuff will continue, but I can't see them locking out used games entirely just yet. There's still a lot of people without good enough internet connections to support a console supplied purely through digital distribution (hell, IIRC only about 50% of 360 gamers are actually online) and they'll be fucked if they upset the retailers that depend on second hand sales. I'd expect the nickel-and-diming regarding DLC and passes to continue, but nothing much more severe.

The feeling I get is that they're floating these sorts of rumours to test the waters and gauge public opinion. Our store makes roughly 40% of its money from preowned sales, I doubt they're going to phase out that market without some serious resistance.

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