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The Old Nintendo Megathread


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The only way for a kid to have a kid is if they marry the avatar, which raises serious time-travel ethics questions.

To be honest I just reset if one of the people dies. If you killed Miriel that means her son can't join you. :(

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If you reset when the people die, why don't you just play on the setting that removes that?

And to further expand - it's the mother that defines who the child is going to be. The father will change traits such as hair colour and pass down skills - but yeah. You lose a female, you lose a future child.

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I just wanted to level up the little villager kid!

Team him up with somebody. Stahl is a good choice since they can build a relationship together. I like Nowi (who you don't have yet) for Donny's husband, but he pairs well with just about anyone. He starts very weak, but he's got super-good growths (thanks to Aptitude) and can be reclassed once he hits level 10. I suggest using a Second Seal to make him a Fighter once he hits level 15 and learns Underdog. It'll be a tough row to hoe, but Donny becomes an awesome character and you really want him to marry somebody good. I like Nowi, Lissa, Sully, or Olivia for Donny's wife. Tharja's not bad, either.

Out of curiosity, how much are you using Frederick? He makes the first playthrough a lot easier but it's not really recommended to do much with him after the early game since he starts strong but has shitty growths and gets passed quickly. :shifty:

Oh you're almost on Chapter 6, so I'm going to warn you about something I fucked up the first time: there's a character in the fight named Gaius. Keep Chrom back a bit, and when he runs up towards you, have Chrom talk to him. He'll join your party. Same deal in Chapter (I think) 9 with Tharja.

Thank you for this! Almost lost him in the fight....in his first turn he was taken down to 1HP. Lon'Que also kicked the can as well...but he was able to get some healing from Lissa and didn't die a slow/painful death, yay! Lost the axe guy though, the one who was full of himself. (And nothing of value was lost....was only level 5)

Also used a Master Seal on the Avatar, so he's now the grand tactician or whatever. Hoping I can buy another one in the near future for Chrom, Sully, Sumia, and Virion. GOnna be pricey as fuck....but got a sword on the Avatar that, when he gets a kill, has a chance of getting the item that sells for 1000g. And that sword almost always crits.

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Master Seal is an item that you can use to change from a first-tier class to a second-tier.

Dark Flier is a second-tier class that Pegasus Knights can turn into when they hit level 10.

Galeforce is an ability Dark Fliers learn at level 15; it lets them go again if they kill an enemy with one hit (which happens quite a bit).

You want Sumia to learn Galeforce before Chapter 13 if she's going to marry Chrom.

I am just about to hit chapter 9 and she JUST became a Dark Flier (managed to get two Master Seals....one for her, one for Virion who is now a sniper). How the heck am I gonna get her up 15 levels? Use those boxes for the random encounters that I've been doing?

Also, Donnel....22 luck? Holy shit.

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Might consider it...although it won't connect to my wifi.

May not need it....if I keep getting one Bullion every fight, that'll pay for two boxes. Already got Panne (who I turned into a Wyvern Rider, stupid strong) up to level 4.

Edit: Just finished chapter 9, managed to get both new characters....and things took a turn for the dark.

AND I NEED MORE MASTER SEALS. Is there an easy way to find them?

Edit 2: I just loaded, and two of the three green merchants had Master Seals! Woo! Chrom and....someone else is now upgraded! And I connected to wifi, and got a bunch of items...holy crap.

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I want Tomodachi Life and a 3DS SO BAD.

Also, I know I'm late to the party, but the lady-friend and I have been trying to beat Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze since it came out. That game is stupid hard in co-op. We could just buy an assload of balloons brute force our way through it, but we're on world three or four, and after about twenty minutes we just get frustrated and would rather avoid yelling so we just turn it off. Fuck that shit.

In other news, I finally picked up Rhythm Heaven Fever not too long ago after missing out since I didn't have a Wii. What an amazing game. Look at this wrestling man.

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A place to buy unlimited Master Seals right before chapter 13? Score! Everyone (and including some of my reserves) are now upgraded, and I just learned Galeforce. Chapter 13 is gonna be a snap.

(Although I did lose the dancer....oops)

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The dancer is very hard to keep alive but if you devote the time to her she kind of rules.

Chapter 13 is when your first kid shows up, Ruki, so do not get the other kids until their parents have the skills you want in the last slot. Chrom is an exception as he automatically passes down Aether to women and Rightful King to men, and if Sumia is his wife he's going to have two daughters.

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The dancer is very hard to keep alive but if you devote the time to her she kind of rules.

Chapter 13 is when your first kid shows up, Ruki, so do not get the other kids until their parents have the skills you want in the last slot. Chrom is an exception as he automatically passes down Aether to women and Rightful King to men, and if Sumia is his wife he's going to have two daughters.

So, no kids until both parents have 5 skills?

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It's when you do the paralogues. So once you finish Chapter 13 they start showing up all over. Some of them are pretty easy to get (Lissa's son, Miriel's son, Panne's son), some are kind of in the middle but give you awesome characters (Cordelia's daughter, Olivia's son), some are really goddamn hard but give you awesome characters (Nowi's daughter), and some give you bullshit that you'll never use as a reward for some ridiculous crap (Cherche's son).

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