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Came home from work and have pretty much spent my evening watching Master of None. I forgot how much I loved about this show. I'm just starting episode 6.


I love how the first episode essentially riffing The Bicycle Thief. The First Dates ep pretty much nailed online dating and I loved the way the ended episode 5 with just one long take of Dev being driven home in the back of a taxi.

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Master of None was really, really for the first two episodes of season 2, but episode 3 was wonderful, and really spoke to me personally. As an Indian in an incredibly religious family myself, I felt like I managed so much to that episode! 


I've done the whole rigmarole of hiding stuff from parents and relatives that supposedly go against the family religion (drinking, smoking) so much that I've done the whole hiding behind bushes thing that Dev and his cousin did. I also have had just about that exact conversation with my cousins too! We've made shit up to get out of going to church so that we can go to something else instead. The part where Navid tells Dev that he drinks, and the shocked look on Dev's face, that's happened to me too. It was really great to watch, and I guess circumstances led me to watch it on Mother's Day, as my mum and I have argued about shit like that all the time. I would love for people who don't properly understand why Asians are the way they are sometimes to watch that, because it perfectly explains why my parents generation is the way they are, and why we do the certain things we do.


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Second season of Master of None was really good. It's so weird because he was great in Parks and Rec in small doses but I never really liked his stand up, so I didn't think I would like a show with him as the main character.

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You know what I think is hilarious? ABC renewed Once Upon A Time and said next season will be 22 episodes. 

I bet it gets yanked by episode 4 or 5, since the majority of the cast is leaving and won't be on next season. (I quit watching it a couple of seasons ago.)

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1 hour ago, GhostMachine said:

You know what I think is hilarious? ABC renewed Once Upon A Time and said next season will be 22 episodes. 

I bet it gets yanked by episode 4 or 5, since the majority of the cast is leaving and won't be on next season. (I quit watching it a couple of seasons ago.)

I mean, if I was living Groundhog Day every season, I'd leave too. Every year the same shit happens, nobody permanently dies (except the best non-original cast member), and there's no stakes. I struggled with the Pan season and then gave up after the Frozen cash-in. Such potential for a show wasted.

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I didn't mind the Pan season, but I feel it struggles - in general - the hold 22-episode long arcs. I think it would benefit from an Agents of Shield splitting of the season into three linked-but-distinct storylines.

As for the cast that are leaving, for the most part I don't care.


I'm actually happy Dallas and Goodwin are going - Charming and Snow have been terrible for a long while, and mostly dull throughout. Morrison leaving is what it is. Whilst Emma's an okay character, they've sort of written themselves into a corner with all the saviour stuff. Jared Gilmore leaving makes sense as Henry will be an adult in the next season (and a father, by the sounds of the blurb) so re-casting took place. Emilie de Ravin... had her moments, but the Belle character has been a mess for a while. I'm surprised Rebecca Mader was kept around so long. I actually think she's pretty good as the sneering heel, but it didn't make much sense for her to be in it as much as she has been.




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Just checked. Jeez, you weren't kidding. Only the actors for Regina and Gold are sticking around. I mean, they're the best two by far, but still, that's a big shakeup. You'd think they'd be better just stopping instead of delaying the inevitable.



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