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World Cup 2010 Thread

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Ugh. I can't remember being turned off a football team so much in such a short time. I used to like Argentina, but fuck Messi and fuck Tevez. The balls ROLLS DOWN MESSI'S ARM, then hits Mullers arm. Fair enough, you could say that Messi's was accidental (though he did have BOTH arms up in front of him like a fucking zombie stereotype) but to complain to the ref that MULLER handballed it is just fucking cuntish.

Then lol Tevez, for complaining about the offside despite the fact that ALL FOUR Argies were CLEARLY offside. What's the highest number of active players caught offside at once I wonder?

Edited by Farmer Reil
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This was my upset pick here, Argies go home and Germans go on.

So far so good.

I don't think it would be an upset though. I'd say overall, Germany are stronger tbh. People have been underrating them all tournament but Muller and Ozil have been incredible, as has Lahm (going forward at least) and very few teams have the international pedigree of Klose. And Argentina haven't been amazing to be honest.

I feel pretty bad for Ghana. The match was on in Wetherspoons but nobody was really paying attention until the penalties, when suddenly everybody was jumping up and down and cheering for them. Was surreal. Well, apart from a few racist cunts in the corner but this massive black guy shot them a look and they soon shut up :shifty:

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We do but it's still pretty shit. Still though, you made it out that the Ghanaians were getting some sort of preferential treamtent.

Fuck, you get right on my nerves.

Why do you keep flaming me then? I suggest you put me on your ignore list if it is the case, like I have now done to you. :)

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Because I like to, I feel you need to know that you are not liked on here. Maybe you'll fuck off and go and post somewhere else.

Edited by Version Dan
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Because I like to, I feel you need to know that you are not liked on here. Maybe you'll fuck off and go and post somewhere else.


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