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Olympic & Paralympic Games London 2012


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I'd be supprised if 2024 wasn't in the US, possibly Chigago or New York. An African games would be interesting though, South Africa being the likely candidate there I'd think

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Quick thoughts on the closing ceremonies now that I've seen them;

- Eric Idle is fittingly the only Python who would even show up to this and also is fittingly the best part of the entire thing.

- Worst Spice Girl was Posh. Best Spice Girl was Boris Johnson.

- I would like to go to the hell dimension that the Pet Shop Boys apparently now reside in. Their demon minions looked nice.

- The crowd was great. Loved hearing everyone singing along with "Our House" especially.

- Even when none of them show up and instead there are just random extras miming drinking tea and shouting the words, the Blur performance is better than the Oasis performance.

- Jessie J was regrettable.


Overall it was very long and from the "look this all means something I promise" school of artsiness and I skipped a bunch of stuff, but it was still worth it because it was a very hot mess.

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Guest mr. potato head

Likliest host cities in Africa are Durban or Casablanca.

The pitch for the latter writes itself.

Yeah, but you'd have to deal with commentators saying "Play it again, Sam" every time a Sam fails to win.

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Likliest host cities in Africa are Durban or Casablanca.

The pitch for the latter writes itself.

Yeah, but you'd have to deal with commentators saying "Play it again, Sam" every time a Sam fails to win.

The worst thing is, that isn't even a line from the film.

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So what were everyone's favourite Olympic moments?

I asked this at the house I watched the closing ceremony at last night, and none of us could choose between a few. I honestly think I have about 20-25. Was thinking of doing an 'EWB's Favourite Moments of the 2012 Olympics' list if people were interested of course.

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