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Grand Theft Auto V


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Oh man speaking of torture..

I felt really bad for Mr. K. Like. Just all that begging and pleading and the torture was just so.. uncomfortable. I wished I could've taken it easier on him, and then it's kind of heartbreaking when you're driving him to the airport and he's all "But my family's here!"

This. So much this.

Also, if you're out in the desert at some point, you may run into a woman about to get beat up by two old men. It's ridiculous, but it felt so satisfying to beat the shit out of them.

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Ok, it looks like you guys are struggling with stocks so I'll explain how it works.

There are two stock exchanges, LCN and BAWSAQ. LCN is mostly dependant on in game events, BAWSAQ is mostly dependant on online exchanges. There's no point in touching BAWSAQ outside of in game story missions because it's very volatile, and right now nobody seems to be making any money out of it.

So assuming you're sticking with LCN I suggest looking at stock itself. Completely ignore the chart and instead focus on the numbers themselves. It'll look something like this

Current Price: A

Highest Price in the past week: B

Lowest Price in the past week: C

Last price: D

If it's current price is close to it's lowest price and it has a pretty high previous high price then pick it because it'll grow again in the future. DO NOT PANIC IF YOU SEE YOUR STOCKS IN THE RED, THEY WILL GO BACK UP AND THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL LOSE MONEY ON THEM IS BECAUSE YOU'RE PANICKING AND SELLING THE STOCKS AT A STUPID TIME.

The only exceptions are LifeHacker (because that will never go up again to what it was before) and a few other businesses that drop once they're hit in missions. Typically you'll know exactly which stocks you've just hit so you won't be stupid enough to bet on them.

As for 'secure' businesses? I'd heartily recommend picking up either MazeBank or BankOfLiberty shares if you see them cheap, they're roughly secure and won't go drastically upwards but they won't go drastically downwards either. Just keep plunging your money into the one closest to it's lowest ever price (if it's middling just avoid this and pick something else if you need to get the money out anytime soon for assassination missions)

Either way, if you've done the assassination missions early on in the game or have bought property then you're pretty much fucked if you want to get that golf course.

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Is there a bandana that any of the characters can buy? I read on GTA Wiki that Franklin and Trevor could both buy green bandanas, but I haven't found any clothing store or anywhere that sells bandanas.

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"Get a getaway car and stash it somewhere."

OK. I find a nice car that everyone can fit in, pimp it out a little with a better engine, armour and tinted window in case a chase kicks off. I then drive to one of the prep missions, thinking I can leave the car there, maybe even mark it's location but at the very least I can come back for it later. I get in the vehicle I need to get, turn around and my parked car is gone.


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My brother did the same thing re: all the ride pimping, but (mission spoilers)

Doesn't matter. You drive the garbage truck to your getaway vehicle as Franklin, get in the getaway vehicle, mission passed. My brother bought a ton of upgrades for the 4-door sedan he found and then found out that you don't even really use it.

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Am I also missing something here or am I being asked to stow a getaway car somewhere when I don't even know where I'm getting away from?

"OK, we're hitting the docks. Where's the car?"
"Sandy Shore..."

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Am I also missing something here or am I being asked to stow a getaway car somewhere when I don't even know where I'm getting away from?

"OK, we're hitting the docks. Where's the car?"

"Sandy Shore..."

Yeah, my car was 2.6mi from the mission. -_-

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Get a random event where two drunk guys are arguing over who should drive outside some golf club or something. I'm waiting for them to finish arguing and get in the car when a security guard comes up and shoots me for no raisin.


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Get a random event where two drunk guys are arguing over who should drive outside some golf club or something. I'm waiting for them to finish arguing and get in the car when a security guard comes up and shoots me for no raisin.



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I've had weird things like that happen a few times. Once I was towing an abandoned SUV back to the yard and just as I was going through the gate I got three stars for absolutely no reason.

Were you playing as Franklin? Might be a racism thing. :shifty:

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There's one character switch scene for Trevor that has him at the strip club. It also leaves you a vehicle outside, which is the last vehicle Trevor was attached to. So I head outside and there's the submarine from the second heist waiting there for me to drive.

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