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Official 2012/13 Premier League thread


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Well its a civil case because its the FA charging Terry unlike before in which it went to a criminal court. Civil cases always use the balance of probability.

Basically you need to convince that your story is more plausible then the others. Personally I think its a bit of a crap way to decide over something like this, thought it was when Suarez was being charged and think it is now.

Terry is going to have that stigma stick with him now just like Suarez

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What the hell is this 'Balance of Probabilities' shite? Fair enough Terry said 'black', but how is this a fair way to judge whether someone is guilty or not?

It's a term conjured up when you really want to convict someone of something but don't have any evidence.

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Ashley Cole is now under investigation for this tweet he sent out earlier today:

Ashley Cole ‏@TheRealAC3

Hahahahaa, well done #fa I lied did I, #BUNCHOFTWATS

So, Baines for England's new left back? :shifty:

With my Chelsea-supporting hat on, I'm happy that John Terry no longer has this opportunity to go and get injured in the depths of Kazakhstan or similar and would be equally pleased if Frank Lampard and/or Ashley Cole did the same (would like Cahill to get a decent go, though).

It's all coming together...

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The #FA are a bunch of cunts #Magalufsummer2014


@DavidBernstein you can suck my plums


#FA = Knobs


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