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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo came out. I don't have access to wired internet at the moment. :(

Anyone wanna be nice and give some impressions?

It's pretty cool. Feels a bit like God of War, DMC, NG type games. The demos 'boss' even has a dreaded quick time event kill sequence. But yeah, if you're not meleeing with your lightsaber then using the force is cool. Throwing shit at people or pushing them off the edges of walkways. I didn't manage to pick anyone up and throw them so i'll have to try that on another play.

Don't think I saw any of the new engine that was hyped up previously. There's some glass that is smashable in the tutorial but it was hard to test out since I was unfamaliar with the pick up and throwing controls. Plus there is some in the actual game but it just causes a space vacumn so it's hard to see how it smashes. Plus, using the force on people made them fly miles away from the edge so they couldn't really grab on to it.

Seems like it could be a fun game.

Oh yeah, one annoying thing was that in mid air, when you melee you don't do a dropping attack to hit someone on the ground as I was hoping, you just swing your saber around in mid air. Hopefully there's a special attack to add that.

:lol: So awesome. So i'm playing once more and I managed to start throwing some guys around. In the midst of this a big platform of guys came up through this door in the floor. I tried to grab once of the guys but he grabbed onto the edge of the door and I couldn't get him off. I was shaking him about and he lost his grip down to one hand. Then I managed to get him loose and fired him off into the distance. Awesome, awesome stuff.

Aha! It seems holding X in mid air does a ground pound move. :D

Edited by King eLLis
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Okay... help is needed... badly.

I had a 360 about a year ago, but I got rid of it. I just recently got a new one but didn't have the network adapter, so I didn't make an XBL account. So, I was saving all of my games to an offline account and whatnot. Well, I got a network adapter today and recovered my old gamertag, and thus deleted my old profile. Now... I have a saved game for Bully and a 16 hour saved game of Lost Odyssey chillin' on my harddrive without a profile to call home... and it wont let me copy/move either of them onto my recovered profile... how the FUCK do I get them on there?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Pfft. I returned my broken one to Gamestation, got them to confirm I ordered it from GS online and they gave me a brand new out the box.

Knowing most of them helped, they usually tell people they can't sort out internet-bought-returns.

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What's more important? Going out? Or teabagging people with us?

Also, Fitzy/LL/Ellis/Other people, playing tonight, or am I playing LO?

Also, I checked my gold in Fable 2 Pub games, I think I'm at 70k. I'm buying the entire town <_<

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Looks like no more COD for me, at least for now. I'm giving it back to my friend tonight. I'm trying to get ahold of anotehr friend who will sell his cheap to me, but his little brother loaned it to someone else <_<

I'm up for GTA tonight if we are actually going to play instead of screwing around in party mode.

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Looks like no more COD for me, at least for now. I'm giving it back to my friend tonight. I'm trying to get ahold of anotehr friend who will sell his cheap to me, but his little brother loaned it to someone else <_<

I'm up for GTA tonight if we are actually going to play instead of screwing around in party mode.

But...but...there are rogue cops to be taken down! Coats to be checked at the door! Burgers to be sold! Information on the meuseum to be given!

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