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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Ghostbusters. Wow.

I am a big fan of the movies, and I freakin' love the game so far. Everything from capturing ghosts to traking them using the PKE meter works well. Plus, all the music is fantastic and the story is good.

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Do we know when it'll be back up? A couple rounds of CoD4 has sort of become my nightly ritual..

I am the same way. I had forgot about it being down yesterday till after I got off work and couldn't sign on.

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So I grabbed Ghostbusters today and it's absolutely fantastic. If your a fan of the movies then you'll love it. I played it for about two hours tonight and did the first three missions. The game looks fantastic and all the effects are really well done. It's funny to boot, I found myself laughing more than once while playing. Sometimes it's a bit disorientating while your trying to capture ghosts but other than that it plays really well and most importantly it's fun to play. Well worth the money though I traded in games instead of paying the full 60. I'm going to be busy as hell with Ghostbusters plus I bought Fable II over the weekend which is quite addicting.

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God damn remote will not stay connected for more than thirty seconds. And I tried every single battery in the new pack of batteries I bought today, so I know it's not a battery problem. No loose wires anywhere in the room, and no other devices around except for my router, and I kinda have to keep that close to the Xbox.

Urgh I want a wired remote. Right now.

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