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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I still don't understand why Microsoft would ban someone for having a retail copy though. The money is still in their pockets, and a customer is happy. Although I guess in theory I could also be someone who gets the game early and spreads it around torrent sites and such.

The whole point of a street date is to keep retailers on an even playing field. If a customer goes to some indy store/dodgy market/other nefarious source and pays extra to get the game early, that's taking money away from retailers who respect the wishes of publishers. If you punish those who are enabling said indy store/dodgy market/other nefarious source, then there's less of a demand to be exploited.

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I think punishing the players goes a bit far though. You can't know how the player got their hands on that copy, a lot of stores simply break street dates (7-11 being a prime example), and if I go in there and buy something on their shelves, how is that my fault? I went in and purchased something, perfectly legal. It doesn't do anything to the retailer in question, they don't care if I get banned from Xbox Live and they can continue to put games out early. Most people don't follow what the proper street date is, if they see something on the shelf they want, they're going to buy it.

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After hearing you guys talk about how great Left 4 Dead is, I finally bought it. I hate it. :( I really should start buying more new games though, I'm really far behind.

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After hearing you guys talk about how great Left 4 Dead is, I finally bought it. I hate it. sad.gif I really should start buying more new games though, I'm really far behind.

You are a horrible person for not liking it.

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I don't have any problem playing L4D on single player, obviously it's awesome to have a full team of players but it's perfectly fun on it's own, I think.

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Plus, on single player you don't get acts of sabotage from Halo and the Ramborific moments of Maxx.

Mmm sounds like a knock on single player to me.

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